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c o r a n a s h u n #

against the tender

outside the tempest rages
inside the temporal alpha dreams

the wounds heal
the pysche
gathers in its herd

the wind whisper
grasses hiss

I turn my head
a near miss

(for babe/s)

Just beautiful

I have learned a lesson
as time rolls by
some come and flatter
others come to shatter,

never mind the ones who come
simply to ploy
their idiocy to deploy …

remember only those
who smile
as some day
they too shall pass away

then the reality of life shall surface
we all will also pass
as we all, including me
are passers by

read this message
with love


Night Tunes

night sings quietly
a song virtually heard

the whoosh of clouds
rushing through a spooky spot of darkness
dew squishing out of the cool thin air
the clippity clop of a running bug

hushed, lush tones of private wonder
vibrate a sympathetic cerebral harp
and I am adjoined in the symphony

rhapsodizing till dawn


I slowly limp up to your form
lying still in final peace
then lay my hand on flank still warm
'twas I who caused your heart to cease

At such times my feelings always mix
sadness and joy, pride and regret
an ended life which I can't fix
a moment which I won't forget

But life always preys on life
your end came near instantly
a release from inceasing strife
I guess this is as it should be

Old Friend

Hello there again, my old friend
I didn't invite you, nor I ever do
How long will you stay?
Or will you ever go away?
Have you been here all along?
I thought you were gone, will you prove me wrong?
As long as you're here, don't come in too near
Keep a safe distance, don't consume
Find your own place at the edge of the room

Hear Your Heart

If you've ever heard
the beats of your heart,
you'd realize how great
they are.

their flawless
rhythm and rhyme
make the heart flow smoothly
to form the most
perfect sonnet
about life.

she rocks

she wakes late
the sun too high
he must be hungry
why hasn’t he cried

the bright (too bright)
lit room
mobile angels

he is so tiny
but too still
too white

between two heart beats

her mouth
opens to scream
but her voice betrays
too thin to penetrate knowledge
that slowly thickens the air

through viscous veils
of unreality
she reaches for him
clutches him tightly
shelters him beneath her heart

Your world and mine

Color my world,
my mind
and my life.
With the sweetness,
of your red soft lips.
Share me...
the dark blue sky.
Without the white clouds,
could cover...
my pearlness light.

You will be the Hero

You will be the Hero
Ocean starts from a drop and
A mountain is from tiny sand
World starts from a cell
Why did you forget this friend?
Every day dawns with a dim light
Every hero comes as a child
Nothing starts as gigantic in its start
How you can for get this friend
Your fingers are equal to ten galaxies
It can pave a path to all planets
Your thoughts will weave a cloth to sky
Your eyes will create new world
Now or tomorrow you may die
Your days have to be a history to this world

girl blue

i had dreamt you
in lost lobbys
the gleaming knobbed
cigarette machine

the candy hued band
soothing sweet aspirations

horrible halls
forever land

and out past the clatter of
the old electric sign
blinking in the static of
winters first rush

the snow fell white as
a hookers jacket
rabbit soft and quick

beacon winking on the hill
and tractors hauling freight
shifting down and idling
at the light

we are amber ambiance
drugged with the hopeless


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