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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


I told you not to listen to bad directions

I dreamed
a herd of elephants
walked through the house
into my garden
stopped and turned around
like a flock of blackbirds
changing direction,
they left the irony of ivory
in their path, they mingled
with the tusks of idols and
idolatry, they were auspicious
where they stood.


The heart is shaped
by remote shores

The lion keeps
its distant roar

A solemn vow
chased into view

As shadows walk
between and through


Sleepy eyes gaze from a distance
Faces so vivid
In seconds, are forgotten
Clothes change each day
Colors bright and sometimes gray
Faces painted
Smudge in the heat
Umbrellas in the rain
Like flowers in spring
Kites fly in the sky
Children chase dragonflies
Leaves fall; trees die
Seeds remain
A new sprout lives
New houses later repainted
Fancy gate now low hedges
Scenery is fast moving
But the sky remains unchanged...

Only One

These past years have
proved there’s only one,
And so will the years to come,
prove that my heart
belongs to only one

For there’s none more beautiful;
None whose soulful eyes gleam
like a beam from the moon,
Causing my aching heart
to swoon

None whose smile so radiant
can implant within me
a feeling unlike any other
Whose presence I feel more present
than the living soul of another

The soldier. (My attempt at ENGLYN PENFYR)

March, we march because we must, oh we must.
We will never trust , you see?
Blind and numb, n'ere reaching thee.

time yours nor mine

time is the only element
which is neutral

but the circumstances
the environment
take their toll

some take blood
others spirit of young and old…

time severs as it does not know
from A to B or L maybe
time is a loner
a healer
for it has no brother,
nor sister
in anyone one of us
that alone is true

time is common for me and you

The Antithesis

The difference ‘twixt the comment and critique
is thought by some as trivial at best.
Both natterings delivered with some cheek
comparing hard won art to all the rest.

Midmost though there’s abundance to be found.
The difference ‘twixt the comment and critique
presents a bifurcation nigh profound,
for one is depth, the other rather weak.

A comment is didactics dealt oblique.
A self indulgent practice that inflates
the difference ‘twixt the comment and critique.
Analysis, our skill and ken donates.


Flying high, scanning with eagle eyes
I survey the land, while soaring the skies
I’m searching for those beautiful birds of blue
But I wouldn't mind finding a freaky falcon, or two
For I’m fiending for an all out feathered fuck fest
Then from afar, what do I see; it’s the sacred nest
If this turns out how I imagined it to be
With pretty parrots pole dancing just for me
As chickadees shake their tail feathers with sexy ass flair
Then I’ll be in for an exotic & erotic avian affair

About chariots and other things re-write

I ride my chariot
blue vinyl and chrome
to the boundaries
that define lonely.

I roam the world
free and easy
in mind’s recollection

Time is stealing my days
dragging me quickly away.
Memories play on my soul
and I try to take hold
of yesterday...


the edge
strong cuts away the swath
the vestige wraiths like sails keep

I am a halo bound to earth
I feel the strain of your wings
beautiful and raised


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.