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The stream (all workshops)

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In fragile dress,
where trees like ballet dancers
decked in beaten cream
and lace,
twigged skeletons.

No green to see
one black crow against
the milky cloud,
his voice the only note
on day's new score.

It is as if
when venturing out
to step in frozen wet,
the scene will shatter in
a thousand stars,
a happening, effect.


A gentle rain kissed moment
The soft touch of a hand.
A whispered word you reach for
And hope to understand.
A sigh a smile that lingers
A lonely sad goodbye.
The instant that your out of sight
I pause to wonder why.
And then those words so special
The ones you sometimes say.
How often do we hear them said?
Then blindly cast away.
A moment then a minute
An hour then a day.
Then suddenly you realise
There’s nothing left to say.

Ink Heart Scribbles Not I,

Ink Heart Scribbles Not I...

I didn’t write this pencilled scribble,
no way, I’d say it’s part dribble.
To scratch on a piece of paper
with a pencil, the embarrassment,
to make your mark with a quill.

To me it’s ridiculous best admit it won’t work,
trying to write about love, don’t be a jerk .
Could not fall in love then picks up a pen,
tries to scribe stories about how he felt then.

Come on how did you feel when you
saw her first time, how dry was your
lips, did you hear a bell chime.

sanctity of insanity (fixed verse quatrain)

the sanctity of insanity is well revered
when common sense is badly used we fear
all that's strange and doesn't fit the norm
then fall backwards into ignorance

It's seldom that we find a place where
the sanctity of insanity is well revered
and when we do it is a special place
which absence would well be feared

When a neighbour speaks in tongues and sits
beside us with his words most strange
the sanctity of insanity is well revered
if we find it in ourselves

Election Day, 2012

America wake up!
Your people have been sleeping through
two hundred thirty-six years of
and now we must live in a world
of interdependence or else perish
on our neighborhood watch.
Your egalitarian dreams have been
stolen by
promises you did not keep
usurped by the goddess of capitalism;
she who knows not the promised land
of unclouded vision.


I was thirsty and this ice was thick
forgive me
Ive not the strength to kick

and a wind combs my hair
for at the blue to blue my eyes
shall stare

For it was you whom in all
days strode in and tore
away the worry

mended me with a dare

Limestone quarries in milk lane
the dance of cicada
the dirt on your feet

Belvederes over slim

behind the wheel
of the motorcar

The rain days sighed
and we smiled
all the while


On the island of Clunk,
Where brass monkeys sell junk
And the people are all kept in zoos,
There's a strange sort of beast,
In a cave to the East,
Called the Enty-Magenty-Magoo

To describe him.... I'll try,
He's about the same size
As the Purple Big Boggy Badoo,
But unlike that giant duck,
He just roars, doesn't cluck,
Not the Enty-Magenty-Magoo .



slithering and slipping by
hissing your sibilants
spewing lies
seductive sensuality
you are the death of the Soul
and you call me.
by name.


I grip my weapon in my hand
I am a true freedom fighter
I've had all that I can stand
any future must be brighter

Others feel the same as I
we come together, show our strength
beneath a cool November sky
for change we'll go to any length

In squads we approach the front line
where war will be won, maybe lost
and here our weapons' strengths combine
we brandish them despite the cost

Money… splurges and sex

if one has money
it’s best to splurge it
why keep it locked up
for others to feed
enjoy your life your way my son, life has many joys to present…. some love sex and luxurious beds …. pillows higher than high …and women to beneath lay … so we have many who like playboys play … others just would love to flaunt their wealth…. to show how big is theirs !!!...pockets you know… but tis better to spend, than hoard


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