Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


Abstract words and abstract poetry


Leader: eightmenout (Scott)
Moderator(s): Rula

to accentuate abstract words with imagery and to write abstract poetry. We will discuss abstract words along with when and how to use them. We will critique two abstract poems, one good and one not so much. Each participant will offer a rewrite of the "not so good" poem. Then each participant will submit an original abstract poem for review by the workshop.

of expertise: Open to all

Subject matter:

Sun, 05/01/2016 to Mon, 05/30/2016

Bring in the Spring Eternal Renga

Workshop: Collaborative Poetry Writing (Renga)

Description: This is a meeting place for all poets on Neopoet to read, learn and write collaboratively poetry. In this workshop you will learn to write (4) four forms of Japanese poetry.
Poets would also come together and co write any poem of their choosing.

1. Haiku three lines of poetry written with 5/7/5 syllables
2. Senyru three lines of poetry written with 5/7/5 syllables
3. Tanka five lines of poetry written with 5/7/5/7/7 syllables
4. Renga a string of tanka poems from two or more poets.

Tue, 03/22/2016


Create an Acrostic -


Create an Acrostic style poem adhering to the following specifications:

1) Between 15 and 35 lines
2) Between Two (2) and fifteen (15) words a line
a) Changed from five (5) to two (2) - explanation below
3) Include references to the following
- berries (any type)
- thunder
- sleet
- raven

Jonathan Moore

February 2016 - Free Verse

Prize - $25USD Amazon gift card
  • Free Verse

  • No more than 10 lines

  • No more than 150 words

  • Include references to

Three classic poetic forms.

Description: Three small poem structures to be taught beginning with Terza Rima for seven days.

Leader: wesley
Moderator(s): Rula

Objectives: To introduce three small and uncommon classical forms.

Level of expertise: Open to all

Subject matter: In this opening workshop we will talk about and attempt to write a Terza Rima.

Thu, 01/14/2016 to Thu, 01/21/2016

Workshop: Collaborative Poetry Writing (Renga)

Description: This is a meeting place for all poets on Neopoet to read, learn and write collaboratively poetry. In this workshop you will learn to write (4) four forms of Japanese poetry.
Poets would also come together and co write any poem of their choosing.

1. Haiku three lines of poetry written with 5/7/5 syllables
2. Senyru three lines of poetry written with 5/7/5 syllables
3. Tanka five lines of poetry written with 5/7/5/7/7 syllables
4. Renga a string of tanka poems from two or more poets.

Wed, 03/23/2016

The Winter Season

Description: Write a poem about winter and how the season either affects people or can be compared to a stage in life


Objectives: Encourage the use of metaphors and tying a season to humans

Subject matter:see above

How Judged:

NOTE - this contest was closed by administrators on 5/3/2017. We are waiting on the sponsor to update this contest and select the winning entry.

Description: To help participants use all features of text editing and advanced formatting for poetry. Recording sound. Anything else you would like to ask about.

Leader: weirdelf (Jess)

Level of expertise: Open to all

Subject matter: This will be a highly proactive workshop. Each participant will let me know what you need information about and I will answer directly, refer you to one of the excellent tutorials on YouTube or arrange a time to meet in chat or via Skype to guide you through complex issues.

Tue, 11/10/2015


Description:simple, a poem about what you are thankful for


Objectives:any style

Subject matter:any length

How Judged:


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