Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

scribbler's blog

hi guys

I'm likely going to be awol a week or so (pause for cheering). My best friend has passed oner to the other side and left me hollow

China and Covid19

I find it strange that the Chinese said that the Chinese virus was not transmitted from person to person for so long. I also find it strange that while they shut down all internal flights from Wuhan they still allowed said flights to continue to the rest of the world, Stange, strange, strange


Greetings all. You will find below a number of titles entered here by members of the "Titles" workshop. Please feel free to use any of them you like as a prompt and title for your own poem and use them now or any time in the future. thanks......stan

TITLES......let's begin

Welcome to the titles workshop. This one will be a bit different than previous ones as I intend to put the entire shop on stream in hopes that those who have never participated in one will see that doing so is painless.
So to begin with let's talk about titles.


This having been a contest of bests it was a difficult one to judge. But after the judge giving it long thought it was decided the lovely's poem "A Beautiful Life Going To Waste" was the best among all the excellent entries. See his poem below


The month of April is rapidly slipping away and so is the chance to enter the month's contest. Remember you don't even have to write anything new. Just post what you think is your best and see what happens.

GIVE ME YOUR BEST (April Contest Announcement)

Just for a change let's showcase your best poem which you have already written. Any style but try to keep it under 24 lines. So start reviewing your pre-writes and let's see what you have done.

March Contest Winner

Please join me in congratulating Miserably Happy for being the March Contest winner with his poem GOD BLESS MR. ROSEWATER. See poem below :


Ever read a book you wanted to share with others? Well here's your chance! This month we'll be writing about whatever your favorite book is. Just hit the contest button to find out the parameters and sharpen up your chunk of coal.....well you can use a pen if you want lol............stan


There's a reason february is the shortest month. If it were any longer we couldn't stand it lol. So this month let's write about an early spring. See contest tab for parameters and let that ink flow.........stan


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