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Senryu - Lotto

Okay I bought it
the winning lotto ticket
I can dream can't I


Eyes cast down
submissive stance
she's his clown
he leads the dance

Always at his bidding
no initiative to show
she must forever show willing
or his wrath she will know

He'll pay for whatever she wants
as long as she obeys
with pretty things he taunts
her emotions he plays

She's his possession
one of his toys
he's her obsession
she lovingly complies

Dinner Invite

Just a brush of your hand
sends my pulse racing
a blush on my cheek
imagining where it could be tracing

Torture being so close
and not being able to kiss you
feelings of remorse
inviting a visitor or two

Wanting you so much
unable to hold you in my arms
avoiding the slightest touch
because I can't resist your charms

Bound to you, body, heart and soul
never knew such passion
my desire I'm trying to control
as the potatoes I'm mashing

Post Turkey Day Blues

Oh, the turkey was sublime
The dressing was extra fine
The yams were oh so yummy
When I stuffed them in my tummy
The potato salad was so great
As was the ham I'd masticate
The deviled eggs that I desired
Left me feeling so inspired
So chicken and dumplings I then ate
Piled them high upon my plate
The fruit salad was really divine
But the lemon pie I can't define
And as I sit here in major strife
I guess it's time to pay the price

Beauty's Archenemy

On my face an undulation
the start of ruination
beauty's arch enemy
should I resort to surgery?
Its the vain person's nemesis
causes them a lot of stress
I'm not going to worry
get myself in a flurry
going to think of each new wrinkle
as another memory I sprinkle
on my face, another trace
of each day I'm lucky to embrace


Experienced darkness

enveloping blackness

I'm a blank canvas

death would be bliss

Memories haunt

enemies flaunt

dreams taunt

life I no longer want

Lost in a maze

a disturbed gaze

happiness no trace

hell I can face

Be happy for me

I'll be finally free

hold me in your memory

imagine me carefree

Ain't all Sugar and Spice

Ain't all sugar and spice
Do your bidding
Who ya kidding?
this ain't no wallflower
relinquishing her power
this is a goddess of grace
letting you occupy her space
So better be nice
she ain't all sugar and spice
Think twice

Galvanic Idée Fixe

Succumb to these
Visions that you're seeing
For I am those
I'm that ever-present being
What I am, nobody knows
Curiosity only grows and grows
Possibly the missing link?
Do you think?
I suppose
New places never been
I know you'll like it
Just let me in
A perfect fit?
Fuck, not again!

It's All In The Eyes

The eyes always my first point of contact
Can make my heart contract
They can make me foolishly act
that's a known fact

It's not a smile
that will me beguile
but a twinkle in an eye
that I espy

They say eyes are the reflections of the soul
maybe that can explain to me their romantic role
A wink, a blink can make my confidence rise or sink
I lose all ability to think

If you like me stare, flirt, emphasise
whatever you want just use your eyes
They have the power to hypnotise

The Stalker

She created a shrine
she whispered "he's mine"
she smiled and dreamed of their future life
she decided she would be his wife
she followed him day and night -
if spotted she was always polite
she never thought of wrong or right
she never felt the need to be contrite
she never did it out of spite
she just fell in love at first sight
thats the stalkers plight


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