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Editing - rough draft

A Ruby In My Shoe

resplendence dances before sleep
as does the north side of night
a wind
blowing backward
a ruby in my shoe

boggled eyes patently dismiss
for rocks are hard, water wet
and yet,
a tumbleweed mumbles
a ruby in my shoe

have no doubt
it can be as such
prove otherwise
I'll tell you "not true"

yes, It's better
not to remember
but so much sadder
...a ruby in my shoe

Blood on the Snow

“Blood on the Snow”

The lingering sorrow.
Gun blue eyes
In a moment
When time dared not breathe,
Just blossoming,
Love lies bleeding
Ever steady
Softly cocked,
I am felled.

*Love Lies Bleeding is also a flower also know as: Amaranths



Ere tis too late
Meet me
At the place,
Where the day meets
The darkness of night
But ere

Meet me at the sunset
The sunrise meet
Yes ere

Meet me when lust
Love conjoin
Ok ere.

Meet me when the
Sperm and ovum greet
Yeah, ere

But do meet me some where
No one can see us together
That’s nowhere!

Carnal Grin

Carnal grin , a sensuality
that makes me sin.
Out of control

A one to one connection
As I crave the warmth of your skin
Melt down.

Two bodies melding,
pulsating, undulating
as one.

Sample and savour,
I long to drink you in,
for a physical reaction. 



The masks we wear, to us are given,
assigned to us before our cue.
The choice is ours to reveal or hide-
A grand charade with many a clue.

Would you be this or be you that;
Is it surfaced or is it hidden?
Not all secrets are lies or deceit,
Our view of others we must widen.

The genuine heart will itself reveal
Its spots or stripes are where they're at.
The lot of what we think we see,
provide but circumstantial caveat.


I’m tired
and have no poetry left;
so says Mary and me.
Mike and Chris tell me
it’s only a matter of time.
And Toby bleats
“ya gotta start somewhere.”
When I dropped the artistry,
I dropped the philosophy;
the fact is
I don’t even want to hear my own philosophy.
I’m ducking under snowballs
that occasionally shatter in the air
because it is too cold and dry
for them to be formed.
Every now and then
an expert bully packs one,
takes aim
and wallops me in the face.

Yes ,Summary Disposal

Yes,Summary Disposal

You are now falling out
In the wilderness
I hope some one shall come
To hold your hand

I am a positive person,
I only inject a positive injection
In the minds of those ailing
Or in life they’re trailing

Upon your soul,
Treat me as a total stranger,
God sent to bring you out
From a reverie,
That I see.

As science advances
In your time
Your minds eye
Will be instantly tapped
By microchips implanted
In the near future

The Reconciliation

a series of thunder broke the silence,
as the wind blew hard that it took away my faith,
the fiery fleet were now purified by that great cobalt stone
the underworld covered with heaven's frost.

ashes from the flames were used to rebuild the castle of Lucifer,
which will be the hall of the resurrected souls from Hades..
the wall that then separates the two worlds
turned into a golden bridge that makes both worlds paradise...


Hectic search in the mind's forest,
Dicker hearts, yea, heart for heart.
Two or three immutable minds appeared,
Smiles in cheek but gloom in heart,
The reluctant hearts repel, Oh, repel!
A taboo to the dense forest, yet he moved
He saw wonderful beasts, terrible and good,
Now he lost his way, he wanders in the dense wood,
He began to write poems flowing from the heart,
Then he was hungry to drink the intoxicants,
The juice of some drug-plants inspired him,
Gulped a mouthful of fantastic dreams,

Valleys of Lows

valleys of lows
mountains of highs
too many hellos
too many good byes

I didn't know
it could hurt so much
loosing someone
who's grown cold to my touch
I didn't know I could be so wrong
about something so right
I let go, when I should of held tight
our troubles we didn't bother to face
now has led to words we can't erase
we let our anger and hurt smolder
as our hearts grew lonelier colder


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