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Editing - rough draft

Night Owls

Pale eyes peer down
from leafless oak
beneath the watchful gleam
of ice-chip stars
on moonless nights,
when they dance
their whispered death
on silent wings of hunger.

No quiet hints
of tiny feet
escape attention,
no faintest rustle
dim in darkness
evades anticipation,
no silence paused
on edge of fear
will lose the focus
of sharp ear
when they listen
for patterings of prey.

Too Dumb For A Title

chatterbox jiber jabber yak attack clackin' clatter

this can happen on paper too
it does all the time
I know
I do

as the verbal vandal, striking again,
I ramble and amble to
no logical end

practice and practice
that's what they say
and I could be named
..."Motor Mouth of the Page"


With always busy life
from every side defiled
by those whom unending strife
took to new lows of sin reviled

I suddenly realized
their cold antipathy
successful living demonized
was nothing but a bleak facsimile
of the human psyche unraveled.

(eddy styx:) Dark Moon

Dark Moon

being not fond of moonlight
When I ply my trade
I tend toward the filmy
veil of shadows and
the dark moon mysteries
my excellent night vision
keeps me on target
bringing me to your
irresistible circular stair
where I the candle snuffer
will extinguish your fragile flame
and shed a heartfelt tear
as I witness the fading embers
and the one pure moment
of created dying art


Uncoil, with gradual breaths
Open your eyes ,refocus,
 twenty twenty vision..

span the breadth
and width , expand.

Laugh, cry, scream 
Let it all out.
Expose yourself to reality.

span the breadth
and  width,

London Is Calling!

London Is Calling!

Hello all aboard
This is Londoner poet calling
Attention all Londoners
Shirley Harrison is
about to be landing

Unfurl your masks
besides her stand
Give a bouquet
or a garland in her hand
All Londoners now stand
Give a standing ovation
To dear Shirley

Who is this Neopoet?
Well known too!
Arrives now early
London to thee
Dear Shirley
Can in the din
You hear Me.?

Just another name

just another name for home,
not a destination.
Where we all belong
and from where we came
to spread ever outwards
and manifest paradise.

just another name for home,
not a travel vehicle.
Where we all belong
and to where we came
to bring unconditional love
and manifest paradise.

just another name for home,
not a threat.
Where we all belong
and where we find ourselves
if we forget how to love
and manifest paradise.


In the microcosm
Of my mind
A plethora of emotions
Race through

As the pendulum swings
My heart becomes
The sand in
An hour glass
That quickly empties

In the pits of my soul
Sorrow screams
As faith listens

Sending her legions
To fight the demons
That stirs my insides

Perplexed by
Shivering Weakness
That overpowers

Having experienced the world
I can still say,
I wish to become a teenager
All my life's way,
The angst
The fear
The heart throb
The hastening heart beat
The sweating,
The petting,
The lapping of feet
Oh what we all miss today
Is that kiss
Stolen away
Oh miss,
So smilingly
We all at
With other teens did play,
If I were to be granted as a wish
I would ask of that angel fish


Singular, alone.
A transient being ,
wandering the earth.

Connecting with some
disconnecting with others.
Assimilation of recollections.

Fated as a race to enter and exit, solo.
meanwhile waiting for the other half
of the equation..

The purpose of life is to
Forge the eternal connection.
Spiralling out only to return,
shelter from the cold.


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