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Editing - rough draft



The night has fallen around us
The wind it savagely blows;
A wicked mood is cast upon me,
One from which I cannot go.

Against the night, orbs on lamp posts loom,
Flickering forth a sickly yellow light;
A storm from deep within advances,
Still no hope for me to go.

Heavy leaded clouds drape the sky,
The paving just as dark below;
Such sight it fails to move me:
I cannot, will not go.


Riding the Waves

Decisions, decisions
We make them
We regret them
We learn from them

Riding the waves
Learning the way
We search for answers
Among the carnage

Total confusions
Everything the same
Nothing the same
Life is not what we thought

Growing up, no longer a boy
Not yet a man, still a teen
Life is crazy, no longer about me
Learning to listen

Standing at the crossroad
Of maturity and adulthood
No longer blocking, but
Listening making informed decisions

Fragile Bodies

fragile bodies succumb to the toll
of a substance that robbed their soul
stole all the heart's hope
the minds ability to cope
slowly eating away the mind
leaving an empty shell behind
this substance has no name
excuses are always the same
Momma you know I'm clean
push it and they get mean
they make a call and then leave
all the mother can do is greave
she knows it's only a matter of time
hope it is cops and not some crime
that takes her child
that was once sweet and not wild

Against the Wind

Small birds gather outside my window
huddled beneath sparse cover
of a leafless fire bush.
Feathers puffed out
shielding against the northern wind
and errantly dancing snow.
The winter sparrows camaraderie
warms my heart
sheltered as I am
behind concrete and glass
separating their world from mine.


7 Days

Day 1

I vow at the beginning of each week
That I'm not going to let the world get to me,
I'm centred and free.

Day 2

I feel my blood begin to simmer.
My finger is on the trigger.
I just know someone will piss me off, soon.
Day 3

Calmness is my middle name,
but underneath the trigger is half cocked,
and my finger is getting itchy.
Day 4 

My prediction becomes reality
 the tossers of this world unite,
and make my blood boil.
 I discharge an angry bullet

Master's degree in frozen hearts (edit)

My dear friend
my hands holding yours
I’m seeing the stars nearer to me than you
And master of misunderstanding
No spoken words
Nor sign language
That little brain can get
Your boundaries here on earth
While mine
There among the galaxy
Brilliant in losing the subject
Excellent in gambling with words
Amazing as a passionate friend
I realized
Neither you nor I will meet one day
Only if you would read me
Through my eyes
But you can’t

Violins Reassessed

100 strings
1000, 10,000,
ad infinitum

tutti grandioso
con affetto

who could deny
this force of beauty
this source of cleansing joy
bathing luxuriating hearts
in the very vibrations
of love's eternal ecstasy

I'll slap 'em silly
the next ones
who deem this
elevator music

Humour Still


You are still
As wonderful
As you ever were
I assure you
I will read you still

Today’s unintended theme


Hence all comments
May not be considered
As still
You are still
Too good
So be still
That we all know still
Be the best one still

All these comments are
For you still
Why do you ask still?
It does me still

Christmas Limerick

Though its Christmas, He won't come again,

As BIG G. Himself tried to explain

To His heavenly Host

Even told Holy Ghost

"There's no virgins, nor any wise men."

Pumpkin pie

There's really nothing better
than a fresh pie
cooling on the counter
just sitting there - almost ready to eat

And after you get done
whipping the cream
with a little sugar
not too much - just enough
it's perfect to top it all off

A perfectly browned homemade crust
flour,butter and a pinch of salt
rolled out and crimped around the rim
It's just a major accomplishment
that makes the day a lot better


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