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Editing - draft

The Silence of Solstice

In the dark, cold air of Winter
the shadows play games for so long,

each breath of air so sufficiently crisp
can freeze the words to Winter's, cold song.

This chilly breath escapes the season's
lips, when Solstice is here;

and the season exhales a meloncholy
that whispers in every ear;

which reminds us that another one
has joined the others, as did the last;

the season's chill cannot keep still
until the year officially enters the past.


swings and dodgems, children's' slides
brightly painted waltzing rides
one minute I embrace the sky!
the next I scream that I will drown
as we plunge -
so be careful where you take me, love
candy floss and rubber snakes
false jewels and coloured paste
roundabouts can nauseate
and I would rather find my place
feet firmly -

on the ground

A final respect in red, as she requested

I will wear red for Mary on this, her funeral day,
This tumbledown wet morning
Hemorrhaging manure and mud,
Her small farm
Deep in nettles and rusted things,

Scented with cows’ breath.

The whine of wet dogs
Still haunt the hollow barn,
Roof tiles missing, sky winking.

The frog-squat of the ancient church,
The place to give her up,
Chilled mourners
Stamp impatient feet on the damp slate floor-
Not quite approving of her life

the manner of her death -


If I fall do not wake me
as I spiral down
I'll accept my destiny
here I am awake, but unconscious
and I'll look to the moon for my guidance
I can feel this so deep
but only I weep for me
to be held close I don't need
but illuminate me with your energy
I've fallen with no hands in reach
I lie dormant
here it is not rotten nor lonely
I can feel it all around me
like frozen stones, eyes surrounding, darkened holes.
They whisper "sleep, let them be"
I am forsaken


Warm lips
eagerly met
tears fall
soaking wet
hot embrace
face to face
family forgotten
lovers eyes
hunger spent
lovers repent
leave in a daze
memory sways
husband and wife
another life

small poem

we are naked in the kitchen, lip to cheek
I am white as pearl, soft with sleep
toast burns, but on the floor

sand glitters diamonds-

memory of ocean, long bleached ribs of beach
your wind dried body, complexity of male
wrapped deep around my pale

translucent peace

The Child Is Father Of The Man

The wistful gaze of the child
thoughts so pure, actions mild
untainted by life’s cruelty
lost in innocent revelry

I admire their guileless devotion
motivated by simple emotion
a generous hug, a cheek kiss
every day they fill me with bliss

I wish I could see through their eyes
no hatred filled thoughts, no guise
sadness has not yet blotted their heart
honour, integrity still intact

This poem fights each word

No muscle blood or flesh
Just this irritating
A mouth without a head
Whining constantly for food
Never adequately fed
Demanding all the time for more-
But will not lift or sing
Or even form
Some perfect thing

Just a grumblement of words-
That make no sense
An incoherent mess-
No poem here at all
But will not let me rest
Some manipulative lover this
An ill fitting bastard of a friend
Forcing words


Male Contraceptuve Pill

Male Contraceptive Pill
my heart stands still
give up control
of such an important role
some can't iron a shirt
but able to prevent birth

Will they beep at allotted time?
in my head alarm bells chime
Is it too much to be asking?
wouldn't it be multi-tasking?
expecting him to do the deed
and stop the spread of seed

I'm sorry lads, this one I don't trust
my own birth control is a must

An Earth Angel Short-lived

A huge shadow fell over my heart
on 2013's dawn,

a few weeks ago, diagnosed
and now, an "earth angel", is gone!

She didn't live an easy life
but, joy did dance in her eyes;

I watched that joy drain quickly
as her spirit ceased it's cries.

I'll always be able to celebrate
Debi's life, and not her end;

I hold her dear in my mind's library
so, she'll forever be my friend.

In my inner heart of hearts
and in the center of my mind,


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