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deviously iridescent
painfully unblemished.
I deplorably repent
all that I’ve relished
dazed in confusion,
lost in disguise
cleansed in ablution, yet,
dead from inside.
awaiting circulation
of all I’ve tried to hide
the image in the mirror
blurry and distraught
overhauled with feelings
that I have long fought
I see, I pray, I wonder
if this is really me
or a mendacious fraud
as I fight to overcome
all that you applaud

my courage, it’s fallacious
my patience is fictitious
everything that I am
a desire- so audacious
and as I look, I wonder
just what I have become
in this abyss I ponder
if this is what’s to come
the outline of the mirror,
it is me no more
as I fight to regain
what I was before
a feeble attempt to face
the eyes, red with guilt
I wonder why I defaced
all that I ever built
this man- with his scrawny eyes
this man is not me
or maybe it is I,
just half the man I used to be

in a rebellious shell, I pray,
I am not what I seem
I’m merely that little boy
who lives in his own little dream
in an overfed exterior
with petrified, muffled screams
it may be too much to say,
but I wish you could see
inside I’m the same old kid
trying to be twice the half of me..

Review Request (Intensity): 
I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Is the internal logic consistent?
Editing stage: 


sometimes, the nothing you start off with means infinitely more than the everything you achieve throughout your life. i just hope that's not the case with me, but that was the essence of this piece. i am glad to know you liked it :)
thanks for commenting!


author comment

perhaps a bit plaintiff.
I think you know the answer, which doesn't depend on how others see you and you could express it more forcefully in the ending.

iridescence [spelling]

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

jess, great to see you again. i remember our exchanges over the previous incarnation of neopoet. glad to see you here again :)
i guess the ending is a little softer in contrast with the rest of the poetry. i guess i could've thought into it a bit more. but this was what spilled on to the paper automatically. i suppose the answer is within me.. maybe it's just a matter of time. maybe. hopefully.
anyway, thanks for commenting!


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