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Our Beach

I looked at you and I felt guilty,
I dropped my eyes and felt the same,
And never expected your lips to find me,
Nor your hand to bring me up to you;

You said you didn’t care what I had done,
That the world mattered less than the sand in our hair,
Yours which shone so raven black on my fingers,
And your lips never dry to my kiss;

I felt the chill wind go by,
And it meant nothing;

I marked the water at my feet,
But all I saw was you;

I told you that miles wouldn’t keep me,
I told you that days would never steal my strength,
And that I would love you, whatever you were,
On no condition other than your heart;

And even though I dreamt, I found forgiveness,
Upon shores which I’d only seen afar,
In a future I strive for daily,
With a heart that will never change.

I’m yours

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
I think I'd only sigh if I had to comment on this... But the mind compiles what the heart does feel, and I think that's all I can say.
Editing stage: 


Such exquisite poetry
I had a desire to write,
About a man,
Seeing a woman lying on the beach
On the blazing sand
And his view of the alphabet V,
As her toes poised towards the sea.

The flagstaff rose
And helped him to land,
With due disregard to all that sand
He went in holding it in his hand,
Rest I leave it to your imagination,
Let your mind play the musical band,
As vibrations and oscillations,
Vie with each other,
Towards the end
As they roll and tend…


Flows like time itself, Lonnie? I like that! Hahaha! Thanks, dude.

And, uhhh, your words do conjure some mental images, Loved. All that, well, oscillating.
So... I'll be back shortly...



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