Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

November 2019 Contest Result

Congratulations to the winner: Eumolpus
Please visit the winning poem here:

Thank you to all participants for entering this past contest and all contests.

October 2019 Contest Results

Congratulations to the winner: Mark!
Please visit the winning poem here:

Thank you to all participants for entering this past contest and all contests.

September Contest Results

Congratulations to the winner: Samary!
Please visit the winning poem here:

Thank you to all participants for entering this past contest and all contests.

August Contest Results

Congratulations to the winner: B9Pat
Please visit the winning poem here:

Thank you to all participants for entering this past contest and all contests.

Experiment - Stream - Sorted By Creation Date

We're experimenting with sorting the stream by creation date, rather than "last updated" date. For example, a poem created on August 14 will be displayed before a poem created on August 13, even if the August 13 poem was revised on August 16.

July Contest Results

Congratulations to the winner: Sparrow42
This month we have an honorable mention: B9Pat

Thank you to all participants for entering this past contest and all contests.

Referendum #7 passed!

Referendum #7 (text below) passed, with 11 votes in favor, 1 abstention, and no votes against.

Referendum text:

Neopoet Referendum No. 7

Do you agree with the following proposal?
We will create a unique workshop called "The Lab" in accordance with the community discussion ( Submissions to "The Lab" would have special visibility in The Stream and elsewhere. Submissions would be restricted, both by how often a member can post, and on the basis of credits, which are earned by posting quality comments. More detail is available in the community discussion page (linked to previously). 
This initative, if ratified, may take several months to implement.

Neopoet Referendum - Concluding Soon

Our referendum runs through Saturday, February 9th (midnight Eastern Time) - please cast your vote:


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.