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Mother's Day Image Prompt Contest

Mother's Day Image Prompt Contest

Please read the following poems

And vote below.

Voting ends May 26th 2024

Mum... You and I

By: Rula


Together we witnessed time ebbs and tides:

we went through ups, we went through downs,

yet luckily we got each other's sides,

you and I, you and I.


Together, unwillingly, we grew old,

with devestating wrinkles, and white hair.

We both raised families, yet we're still bold

You and I, you and I.


Together we laughed, together we cried:

I uplifted your spirits, you got my tears wiped,

we stayed together, side by side,

You and, I you and I.


Together we lived for worse and better,

until Alzheimer's stole you, my bank of love,

although you promised to stay forever

You and I, you and I.


My Gold

By Mr joghe


In whom I spent my old days and nights,

Who rocked me in my cradle;

And fed my pretty mouth with a spoon,

Did weep while I should weep.

How much will I pay

For the pain you’ve taken for me?


Who worked that jumper to keep me warm;

Treated me with diffidence and respect,

Her healthy arms always be my stay,

And always admired my prudent face that filled with laughter.

How much will I pay

For the pains you’ve taken for me?


Who tired me with apology for being tiresome,

And asked twenty questions and never waited for an answer.

My timidity struck her at the first sight;

When she taught me to expect something extraordinary.

How much will I pay

For the pains you’ve taken for me?


I find such a pleasure

In obeying her commands,

That I take care to observe;

Shall soon come to bless me.

How much will I pay

For the pains you’ve taken for me?


I vow, I thought so;

Never, as among queens and princesses

In her age; to be explicit,

I’ve kept very little company

In pretty smooth dialogues with her.

How much will I pay

For the pains you’ve taken for me?


Vote Here

Thank you for your participation!

Neopoet Weekly 05/12/24 to 05/18/24 Winner!

This week the Neopoem is


Mosquitos Suck!
  By William Lynn


Congratulations to William Lynn for racking up another contest win!

Neopoet Weekly 05/05/24 to 05/11/24 Winner!

This week the Neopoem is

Ways of loving by  Terumi Sakurai

Let us congratulate Terumi Sakurai on their first win as a neopoet member.

About Contests

There have been some changes to the about contest page
To take a look visit

The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Why? by RW
Where could all these black winds take me
They catch my wings and blow
Some times the sun sends secrets sweetly
at other times the razors show
though I steer I never fight it
the winds know what I need for now
at times sore racing thoughts ignite it
or else the stagnant breezes flow
the squall directs me to an abyss
slows to let me be a feast
to carrion crows and demon’s kiss
the mind rends from the wailing beast
This writing is a dangerous game

I do

a promise
made together

a vow for eternity
with the one
you call destiny

not knowing
what the years may bring
where life may lead you both
or how it will end

but his words
made you fall
to your knees
tears in your eyes
and a broken heart

he was your better half
bitter through time
leaving you bruised
and bleeding

his mistress
his last breath
your destiny

the finale
was unexpected

Corner Buzz (rhyme crimes assignment #2)

While Wesley went to Washington
we huddled in the corner
muddled by the former need to escape
those hollow halls of who we are
and write, right to the end, bent over blazoned quills,
infectious iridescence, over and beyond the order
of this fine corner.


Once was Once I

mince courage
liquid sheer

here is the roundel rib
the bulb shard light
fingering the dark

jackals and jeckyl
lurching and the wall
the wall hurts

the window is full

full of tears
the fuel of fear
licking bruises
the scream
is long

as long as the
hall is lonely

and in the garage
sweet perfume of
and purring cylinders


times toll

even sleep has an element of time,
for you just awake
after a short and sweet
then you enter
into a no -time zone
if you don't rise again...

till then sleep
as usual,
till dreams do over take,
as you enter the timelessness zone
about that there is
no mistake.

till then sleep
if you desire awake
when the
spirit! is ready
it will come
it shall you finally
on its wings take...



Wingéd creatures
were we all
tumbling vertiginously
into free Fall.
Bound by sin to dust
suffering is our “must.”
Dreams of Holy Kingdom.
Sleep and fly
into oblivion.


A little branch just running free
through a lowland hardwood hollow
is all I ever thought to be
unaware of what would follow
all of it in nature's way

But then one day the beavers came
from a slightly larger creek downstream
since then things are not the same
my wild free days became a dream
fate took me, now, another way

For soon the beavers built a pond
my wandering days were over
but by suprise I soon grew fond
of watching the blue cranes fly over
on their way to who could say?

Dunhold's Bane (Rhyme Crimes Workshop #2)

Dunhold, strewn across the green of wooded vale and hill serene
was like a casket for a maid, with bushes lush and flowers laid.
Her tip would touch the valley's edge where rivers bent in sickle wedge,
her crown would tickle heaven's sky above the perch where eagles fly.


The Manual

Hello, welcome to St Peter’s Inn
Yes, hello reservation for one
Under paul, the paradise suite

Hello Paul welcome to eternity
Let’s see if your on level four
Or the cold basement rooms

Saint Peter, I think there’s a mistake
My room is definitely on level four
Paul the book says basement

No there’s got to be some mix up
I followed the get to level four manual
This is not right saint Peter


Over my face, my hat hung low
to hide the side a few would know
drinkin' in uncandle lit space
my hat hung low over my face
justice was lost and justice done
I owned a pound and lost a ton
no outlaw saw the lawman's cost
justice done and justice lost
a woman's love, the trump card held
of twenty men, eighteen were felled
I stood wounded as did Jack Cove
the trump card held, a woman's love
through gunsmoke and blood, my eyes saw


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.