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Around The Globe Anthology second edition

Proudly Presents

Our second edition


Around The Globe Anthology


Thank you to all those who helped put this anthology together.

Our Membership

Contest Winners

All our judges

The Neopoet Publishing Group


To purchase click on the below link.

Around The Globe Anthology

2nd edition


For those interested

Here is a link

To our first book

Around The Globe Anthology


We look forward

To future



to everyone involved in making the second edition of the Neopoet anthology!! I look forward to reading it!

Well done publishing team - thank you!


Michael Anthony

and thank you!

Always, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

To everyone!! Well done!


This is cool !

Well done to all who made this happen! Thank you!

Thaank you so much for adding my little poetic write in the book. I will have to buy it and hopefully this year get back to writing some things. Hope all is well with everyone. Just turned 67 wow I am feeling older day by day now :) but still with a young heart and young mind and still going strong after all these years.

Great job to the publishers and how much would a signed hardcopy book cost (if there is one) I would love to have one for my library.

Thank you Mark and I don't need a signed copy - I just thought it would be nice. I am going to get the hardcover copy since I like those type of books the best. Cheers to all who worked so hard on this and the first one too!

Congratulations for jobs well done.

I have ordered my copy and will receive in on the 5th of March. Let the reading begin!

Many thanks, Will

I received my copies today, and the book is beautiful! Thank you to all for such a wonderful publication!

We got ours just wish it were available in LARGE print for us oldsters

Thanks, Cat & Steven

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.