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No matter the vibrant or rain soaked things
happening outside my window
or between the space
where floor
doesn't quite
meet door,
I linger in my own soft breeze.

As I be breezing,
I be fluttering.
My lips be muttering.
My poetry stuttering
desires I keep
just for you

Neopoet Renga 5

Neopoet Renga 5

Ethnics soon sunder
our forefathers origin
tumult from terra

Gods fight for control north, south
new race emerge to power

Two sovereign one God
appear from the aftermath
the red white and blue

Blood stained forever now
but new ideals bring change

Irishman no stress
it's always dry in the pub
amused by panic

Guinness slow to settle down
Waits to quell the thirst of man

That all nations die
Not knowing our present
Stops all the worry

I Think of Women

I think of women,
Ancestors of my sisterhood,
Centuries before my birth,
How they were oppressed and suppressed,
For their sex, race or ideals,

I think of women,
Who struggled with infirmities,
Who were called crazy,
Branded witches or harlots,
For their desire to be independent,

How would I have fared in their eras?

Those stifled out by society,
Those hushed by authority,
Artists and dreamers alike,
Punished for their fight,
Shunned for their light,

A Day With Starlight Solo

I greet her. She nods, Slowly, Imperiously.
Familiar, yet restrained.
I know her moods as she does mine.
She inclines to my touch.. softly...
We sense the change that is each other.
She is constant, always welcoming,
But with a newness, a freshness, that makes me smile.


nocturnal daydreams
slumber of elder babies
rescued briefly
battered, beaten, broken ones
inhale deep
relief fading
abrasive, harsh transmission waves
lapping over sacred grounds
soothed lullabies jolted
scorching light consumes
inevitable reality


I will hold on to my peace
When everything is falling apart
All my happiness has ceased
And I am hurting in my heart

I will keep my peace strong
At times when alone I am facing trials
When everyone has turned and gone
My peace will be my survival

I will let my peace guide me
In the chaos of a decaying society
Stripped of being truly free
Dictated to by economics bounty


I shall go quietly
albeit with my chains -
released into the ethers
without pleasure, without pain

Dissociative dimness,
numbs the mind.
Indifference is Nature's way
of release, from the unkind.

No love for love
given freely over time.
No pity for this fool
who's passion proved the only crime.

14 April 13


Silently she sleeps.
Arms outstretched in random fashion.
Body innocent in naked frankness.
Hair, rich golden billows, cloak her pillow.
A smile. face calm. Eyes gently closed.
Breasts rise in time to easy breaths.
Sun, filtered through lazy leaves from
Old oak trees, envelopes her and plays
shadow games on her demerara skin.
I trace her wondrous lines.
She mews and purrs
And softly moves to bring my hands
to play where her body needs they be.
My finger’s tips are gentle, slow and soft

Rants About Religion--Chapter One

I wonder if the foundation
For your religion
Is so baseless.
Theology exams,yeah
Nobody aced it.
We cheated
But these people passed us.
Yet they have the guts
To still call themselves pastors??

Right to the Masters.
I wonder if it is right
To start my pilgrimage
Right from Damascus?
For the sin is so ugly
I have to mask it.
Buried deep within
In righteousness' casket.

Healing Hands

When you touch me softly and gently,
All my problems disappear physically and mentally,
Your touch first starts at my spine,
It lets me know everything is fine,
Your touch lets me feel loved,
Like a higher power sent you from above,
Your voice is so sweet, so gentle,
You give me reason to be kindle,
The first time we touched,
I no longer felt the Clutch,
You have the power of Healing Hands,
For this I know you have many fans.
Written by: Trey Jones


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