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Blood is dark by pale moonlight
and pours without control
like sacrificial rain of night
draining from a soul

air is heavy, foul with death,
aching for a breeze
silence hangs like dragon breath
corrupted by disease

Always Alone

He promised that he'd help her, but he won't stay
Soon he'll be gone, so where would she lay?
Would she cry in her bedroom all filled with need?
Or will she punish herself and make herself bleed?
He is tearing her apart limb from limb
And she's drowning because she doesn't know how to swim
Don't they see that she's sinking?
Why won't they help her?
What are they thinking?
She's sick and tired of saying "I'm fine"
Look into her eyes, don't you see all the lies?

Poetic Resume

Poetic Resume

To pen the pain a heart has known,
the anger of a soul,
are things a poet does without regret
no matter where one’s thoughts are blown
or how one plays the role,
a bard’s resolve is often hard beset

Beautifully Murdered By Buddha.

aimed my eyeballs
with slow precision
became Zen like
lost myself
quite beautifully

Buddha staring
into my probing
no sign of
the Virgin Mother

High Noon
minus the violence
the intensity
knocked me

no more seeking
no more
worried looks
which scatter away
the weak visioned
sleepwalking drones
who contemplate

I wonder

In the beginning
God created the heavens and earth
then Boom!
A dissatisfied snake
spewed out toxic waste.
Eve tried a taste
then breast fed her children
who defecated pollution
turning earth into a junk yard
I wonder if God wants it back,
to repair it?
A permanent fix would be nice
so Gabriel can applaud!

Sun on 19

these dreams weeded beetles

and the ice record cicadas

spun rapunzel's straw gold

in a circus of mice and raspberry tart

found by the fuzz at a carnival robbery.

you've wedded a paper heart in the passing

hands of my life's gas bubble. I trace

your gumption on beaded granulates,

rock salt hindu dots, DNA on sugar cubed

rorschach points, dawn anodynes of polka

and red bingo markers on the trick mirrors

my life has arranged. a trinity knot will wind

The Change

They want you transformed
in the twinkle of an eye.
They know no other task,
it is for your own good.
You are on the way, however
still tarry searching for the coins
others drop along the path
seeking to return some day.



Transcendental soldiers riding
steeds of mindless steel
clad in trappings suitable for war
patriotic slogans hiding
what they really feel
knowing they have done it all before

white spots

White Spots
white....but not the white of fallen snow
spots.....not associated with new fawns
white spots
................stealthy invaders
white spots
................harbingers of a styx trip
white spots on X-rays
white spots
...............theives of loved ones, friends
I hate white spots

Changing Times

Changing Times

Suitable placards are not to be found
carried by those who protest
Hippie and Flower Child far underground
no longer aiding the quest

militant factions now cry their demands
while terrorists lurk in the wings
neither are certain who really commands
but both have formidable stings


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