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Editing - rough draft

Can't Stop

I don't want to start a new poem
I've nothing yet to say

like making love more than once
one must rest between bouts
a gestation period, if you will
and I finished a write just moments ago

but I can't wait!
my hand trembles in anticipation
I can't seem to help myself
my pen keeps on writing

I don't seem to care that
nothing of value or import is written
small talk, pillow talk,
baby talk, crazy talk,
nonsense, on and on

Fuck Warning profanity !!!!

Fuck the clever dicks of this world ,
Who think they know better.
Piss on those who live to put you down.

Shit on those who don't accept my choices,
They are mine and mine alone.
Even if my language makes you frown.

I'm sick of worrying about opinion,
I'm gonna be me.
If you don't like it ,
Then bollocks to this fucking town


Phone call, entirely unexpected
by tone of voice it's not a joke
toward hospital I am directed
mother's had another stroke

Throw on my shoes and rouse my wife
jump in the car, away we speed
will this be the one to end her life ?
an answer now is what I need

It's late, no lack of parking space
so we park right at the front
up the steps to door we race
to find it's not the door we want

The Bluffster!

The Bluffster
Ruse! Now Fuse!

You caught us all with our
Bikinis down
You got your hits and kicks
Perhaps a few cents too

Some guy bluffed
He got 700 bucks
What bucks he didn't say.

Only newspaper and Don Articles
Get that many flies
They all suck some honey
On ones finger tips
Like do fleas.

The Day My Shadow Left

One thing I've been forever admired, for
is my ability to create...

..a partnership between my body,
and my shadow, that's merely....."Great"!

I jest not, while I document
for those, who have not seen...

..for instance, like last St. Patrick's Day,
when we both arrived in green !

I've been known to mix it up
so, when I'm playing music at a "gig";

I've grown accustomed leaving my shadow at home,
because the dancing makes the patrons....."wig"!


On a top floor balcony I sit
in our great east coast city
as the night fades into day
among concrete business monoliths

The last few visible stars fade
into skies turning slowly black to gray
all silent save a lone street cleaner
slowly chugging down empty streets

Sun still drowned by tattered ocean
although under lighting horse tail cirrus clouds
with a soft saffron glow
alongside cris-crossed contrails

Here we go passing by

Coal-bright heat
pulsates a primal beat,
this light burns white
in the squalid night.

The windswept fury
in a drunken flurry,
toppled kerosene lamp
leaves the table damp.

Morning slips in sly,
waking the bleary eye;
pollen grain breezes
peddles raucous sneezes.

Desire's Puzzle

The need for your acceptance
will usually keep me quiet,
but not today.

I feel weak, but strong,
alone and surrounded.
I feel left out, expected,
dearly loved and neglected.

But if someone,
anyone, can hear me ...

I want to be seen and forgiven,
in control,
yet out of my mind.

Lost, found,
locked in
and locked out.

I want to be anonymous,
but who the famous talk about.

I want to be remembered and forgotten,
and one day, one glorious day,


Leaves scurrying across the ground
with a brittle rushing sound
a multi-colored moving cover
they chase each other as if lovers

As colored leaves desert the trees
they ride to earth upon stiff breeze
to join their fellows in the fray
on this windy autumn day

All the trees bend low and sway
and fan the air around today
while their limbs all clap and rattle
adding to the noise and prattle


A balcony right on the sea
nobody here but you and me.
Music wafting to us from the pool,
for you I guess I'm still a fool.

We sit with wine glasses in hand
on the Myrtle Beach grand strand
as the dim dusk fades to night
and the stars blink into sight.

Neither of us still are kids
( in fact I know I've hit the skids )
but I still get lost in your eyes
which shouldn't take you by surprise.


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