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Editing - rough draft

the girl in the red dress

gulls shriek a grey hunger
across my field of silence
morning ripens into Monday
and the dance begins,

cars whizz into traffic jams, doors slam
the world coming in and going out,
dogs bark their allegiance, the morning's Hallelujah chorus
still singing their bird song as if nothing else


When growing up, some friends boasted
They’ve become real men overnight
Had taints of mud in a wrestling match
They were bold to talk to any girl
My lack of gen dumbfounded them

You have not started, they chided me
Go back to the sand and play with toys
You still have a youngster's sense
I liked watching girls play, I was very shy
Afraid of hearing from them the word ‘no’

Piling up

Styrofoam china
stacked high above the rim;
last night's slaw
squeezing the air,

but I can't be bothered.

My hair is greasy
it'll shape any way but clean,
the shabby beard offers
an I'm drunk look,

I only shrug.

I need to feel something more than depraved
like the loose-bowel symptoms letting go relieves,

so I'm waiting

and that's where I live
over-used and de-mused;
just take me out.

the bed

our bed
is a two-person island,
we are castaways
from other sides

in its center, we are lovers
making love in the art of
making war, sideless we
blend ripe juices of conquest
surrendered and satiated
like lords of the dance
far away
from mortal combat in the untamed
jungle of our bliss, ascending and

vagabonds on a caravan
searching for the holy grail
thirsty for grace

sometimes the best conversation
is made, sometimes we have
nothing to say

Sweet Talk

so I don't talk so pretty
so what
it ain't jive
ain't even vulgar
not where I come from
grade school words
two syllable stuff
some ruff tuff grammer
from the hip mostly
or off the top of my head
out my mouth it comes
don't like it?
tell me
I don't bite
even my back talk hardly stings
so I don't talk so pretty
so fucking what!
you know damn well what I mean


My figure in numeric scale was eight
Flat stomach and nicely curved hips
Then I was the only apple in his eyes
So, I fell into faithfulness ever since
Ageing came with grey to add the extra
Weight on thighs and waist won over
The fruit eaten, the seeds left to grow


sun and stars shine
the earth moves
and light of day is never seen
when night falls;

the lotus blossom
never opens too early
or too late

there is justice in the world
of nature, its birth cry
a howling when once
four-legged creatures
stood on a hill
and the moon

the ocean,
dripping from
hands with
opposing thumbs.

Train Watching

the sin of idleness debunked
I just sit
waiting for the moon

a penny for my thoughts is wasted
so save it for those rainy days

now, my mind still joyously plays and displays
its toy trains
but, I am not aboard

on the side line
watching the carriers of
knowlege and speculation
meander down self laid tracks
I nod, and wave,
and sit back to enjoy the show

for what it's worth
being here,
not trying to get someplace,
is worth every penny, nickle, dime and dollar
in the world

One Dimensional

I wonder why my human eyes
don't see clouds in three dimensions.
They flit by overhead
on blue canvas,
while the view from planes
evokes mountains, valleys,
and lo,
the very City of God.

But from down here
clouds are little more
than a flat Mona Lisa.
Oh, how I wish I knew
the full person,
but she
just stares and wrily smiles
in one dimension.


The lowering sun upon my back
I quietly wade through shallows
for fly fishing, I have the knack
this evening as I fish with swallows

Strip the line in even strokes
then pick it up with strong back cast
careful to not snag shore line oaks
the day approaches darkening fast

Now lightly lay the line back down
placing feathered dry fly next to shore
concentration causes a happy frown
my mind on fishing, nothing more


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