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Editing - rough draft

My time is not up yet

In the frolic of
folly i amaze
into metaphorical mystery
i gaze.
Stark naked eyes
the blank.
A mysery self-wrought
in the brooks
woods walked.
Then the last breath
shall surge
half in half out.
My soul if i have one
may submerge
In the glorification
of time
I thought
was once only mine..

Saturday morning

brown stains on freshly-mowed grass
death comes mourning,
to others
the gift of light receding
earth-roots tapping
less the water

replicating patterns of beauty
in near-death experiences
we hold what is dear close to old visions
scattering prisms of hope
and hope
love will find a way.

It's Periodical

There's something that is a really changing
and that, can also heal a broken heart,

some days, it's a moving tediously slow
other days, it'll tell you, you can't start.

Seems like folks are always running out of it
and, there's even an iced cold, Miller one,

it folds, and melds into some sort, of a kind of a table
yet, had to create different zones so we could get things done.

It's only but an increment of measure
but claims, all along to be on your side;

Day by Day

We walked into the darkness
Blinding the bestowed gift

People fell before our sides
And yet, cold blood is what it was

Only the wretched hope
Laid within our bloody grasp

The once ideal promise
Captivated our fragile hearts

Nevertheless, all decays
Into that tale told in the past

Life leaks its own hidden wounds
Never knowing if we’ll return

To Ken, a good man

A good man,
a kindly man,
a good neighbour.

He's been a drover and a banker,
imagine that!
The stories he can tell,
of aborigines singing the cattle to sleep at night,
of his bush mates
singing and telling their ballads by firelight.

I showed him my poem
"Time goes round in a straight line"

A Soldiers Plight

You are absolutely right,
The soldier’s plight
After they fight,
They are left out
In the twilight

Even out of politician’s sight
Because might is right,
The soldier isn't able
To exercise his voice.


Our Arts teacher, humble and kind
Married a young beautiful wife
On Sunday, sixteenth September
The year of our Lord, the son

He arranged a visit to the in-laws
To show appreciation and joy
He soaked cassava tubers for six days
And on the seventh, he cleaned them up

The cassava water smelled so bad
The offensive odour was nothing to him
As he cooked and pounded the fufu
Then wrapped it with large plantain leaves

WHERE ELEPHANTS GO TO DIE --re post and rewrite

Where Elephants Go to Die

in forests dense and dark
there are places
where elephants go
to die alone
for alone is how dying is done.
they never know fear
pass on and mourn their dead
in quiet acquiescence

in a forest deep and dark
of my Mind's invention
something of me is hdden
blind to the fear of ending.
it knows its way to that special place
and waits
in quiet acquiescence

Heartbreak Armagedon

Look around,
You've come of age.
Emotions spiral inside.

You've felt this before
but you can't,
you won't remember.

The feeling of being lost,
inadquate, inaccessible.
Fear wells up inside.

They walk on by,
They come and go,
and always, so do you.

A crumpled piece of paper,
on the side of the road
covered in muck.

But not this time,
I will not be left behind.
I will be loved.

My Soul Will Fly ( Splash Pool Submission)

My soul will ascend
Three tiers
To become one with the world

On winged angels
We will meet
In learning
The truth
Of our ways

The world once known
Will pass on
All that is left
Is the mysticism

Together we will
A better


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