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Editing - rough draft


laying on the ground
still hot from the sun
Blades of grass tickle
our ankles
our necks
Gazing upwards
watching the gallop
of clouds

Another Shade of Blue

My window boxes are chattering in the haze,
its earth rained out, vines hanging long on the
streets of Babylon, the evening is cool and the days
are shorter now.


Hidden by false civility
teeth veiled by lips of greed
claws kept sheathed
during the stalk for

The twinkle in those laughing eyes
the same as any predator's
when sizing up its quarry

Those who think that they're his friend
due to false mask of good will
are merely meat in waiting
ear-tagged future meals for him
when profit's hunger makes him drool
take care not to be his fool



I glide to a melody in minor key
and sing my melancholy
in lyrics that belong to me alone

I strike like molten steel
embers flowing deep into the heart
of humankind

I take the soul to a knowing
not pleasing to see
not easy to endure

I now wander aimlessly
no longer of the Clan
wondering if the words I speak
were ever worth the telling


If I was lightning I'd burn out Sol,
And burn both retina of you all...

...To make a planet into a star;
Churning primeval consciousness
From the depths, to way out far.
Ascend, mere embers, to furnace.
Wrenching ancient fractal plains;
Fingertips blister and scar,
And heal to pain.

A fire, pure, without bias;
Like natures ‘customed trials,
Arching light made dark suffer,
Out from Asgards mountain halls.


My father’s words re-echo
From the grave where he lay
I look for a snail in the day
Mates made good theirs at night

Separation is the knife that cuts
Loneliness trails me in the crowd
With you in thought all day long
Your cold presence chills my bone

Numbness mocked by distance
Attempted to erase my existence
From love to hate, battle declared
I can’t force you into your dislikes

Burial Shroud

The sky leaves it's
tattered edges
along mountain tops

Mountain tops loom over
towering trees

Towering trees cast shadows
upon the broken land

The broken land cries out
to the night skies

The night skies cloak the earth
in a burial shroud

A burial shroud for the earth
that has died

Exploratory Illumination

such shadow bleak
the pale cast
the dancer flight
in torch arc chase

truths leap out
and subtle
slippery like
dark sea eels

whispers of ghosts
like vellum dreams

Cauldron (eddy styx)


slowly it began to turn
a ball of madness
sanity on the burn

violence on every page
perversions wedge
to great outrage

humanity on the edge
and open windows
mounting the ledge

to plunge into fiery hell
to demons grasp
on the sounding bell

From scripture they'd been told
would redeem them from
Hell's fire bold

where was this bright shining lord
the one the fanatics
all truly adored


I can't even lose my life, it was
never mine, someone else lived
me and gave me up before my

I came undone somewhere
between the ocean and the sky;
I learned what love is when August
came, and leaves fell in September.
I came undone somewhere between
my ocean and your sky.

Everywhere I look, I am shattered, dispossessed.
Everywhere I am, I am yours.


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