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Editing - rough draft


You perch upon your godforsacken summit
and watch as they teeter on theirs
extend solace, draw them to your boundary

They look back from theirs
near enough to speak;
self - sufficiency holds them where they are

Swim to shore and return to normality.
connect to the world
be one with reality.

The Modern Obsession with Technology

(read top to bottom then bottom to top)

This is their world.
Quiet, peace, nature.
My life is a placid lake,
smooth as glass.
No metal blemishes or concrete pores.

Soon it will be different.

What is green?
Smog is a natural feature in our chemical makeup.
We should be worried if we weren’t in pain.
Covered in synthetic scars and acrylic burns.
This is our world.

Of Rigidity

Of Rigidity

We all have two principles
To follow in life
One is duality
The second is being double.

In order to save a situation
All human beings,
Politicians and soldiers included,
Have to adapt such a stance
In order to exist

Except save in one situation
A Marshal of the Field had to say this
‘’The only times ones rigidity plays
And pays
Is when you both are about to sleep
That’s it take it or leave it.''

Kondums for the mind

Perforate your perversions
you hiss in a throaty whisper
this dry weather has made
you the concubine of chance
and with a pinky finger waving
you hand me your empty

"summer is rotten" you say
staring with your bedroom
eyes filled with glacial pool
blue your glorious hair trickles
down your chest
a nibble of ear shows
the mascara heavy and dark
like a storm cloud above the
moon thin atmosphere of
that heart shaped face

WHIRLWIND'S HARVEST ( an exercise for all)

Hi ya'll. While I'm taking a break I thought I'd give everybody some thing to play with. I'll start the poem. Only 2 rules :1. post only one stanza 2. stanza doesn't need to rhyme but it must have rhythm. So have fun and here goes..............

The stench and ugliness of war
has fertilized too many fields.
Regardless what the fight was for
were lost souls worth the meager yields?..................................................(bet ya'll were expecting a nature poem lol)


Emaciated bodies
Skin hanging on bones
Pity for being poor
Enzymes short of nutrients
Through years of starvation
Turned to feed on flesh
Skeletons roam the earth
This earth my brother
Scourged by heat
And lack of rains
Paradise turned to hell
Moulds of graves stretched
Beyond the horizon
Like beds of nursery
Depict a harvest
Of death by famine
Chattering drums beat
To rescue the dead
Late show of compassion
Mocks those who fed well
Where were their hearts

A little water washes away the salt

Staring through the blue glass of dreams
we reach into each other's sighs.

A covenant of one


When all is said and done
each of us is a covenant of one
into ths world alone we come
alone we go
and who we are we will not know
until we sigh our last

I have no thoughts of the future
no care of what is past
I can only say that I have been
and hope to be again somewhere
something more than I am
more than what others see in me
more than a covenant of one

Return to Me

Return to me the smiles
You took away

Return to me the tears
I shed anyway


Return to me if you must today,
The same way you did
When we made love last Saturday

Or return to my life
The same old way,
Else return all the love
Which I gave away

Guess who? (for a bit of fun)

lets have some fun !!...

read thisand PM me with your answer about who you think this poem is about ....I will PM you back if your guess is right. or wrong and let you know the right answer if your guess is wrong..:) PLEASE do not write your answers in the form of comments on this that others can have some fun too in this guessing

Smartly uniformed in white
short, tall, rugged and trite
in rank and file these troops
stand guard day in and day out


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