Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

The Neopoet

More than half way to May and this month’s contest is looking for more competitors.
What does a particular aroma bring to your mind? Write a poem about that and enter the contest.
Don’t forget to chose the current contest from the contest dropdown on the submission form here:
(you must be registered and logged in to submit a poem)

We have a new workshop taking members. Scribbler has started Narrative Poetry and it is expected to continue for 30 days once fully opened on April 17. Here is the link to this workshop’s parameters:
Michael Anthony will be coming from the AC to moderate this workshop.

The 27th Administrative Council has been voted in by the general membership.
The term for this AC will be one year.
Neopoet owes a debt of gratitude to the outgoing AC for keeping Neopoet safe and secure.
Alan S Jeeves
C lynn brooks
Roscoe Lane

The election for the 27th Administrative Council is underway.
Any member may cast their votes and any new member may as well.
The members below have been nominated by the general membership and desire to have a seat on the AC. Only the 3 with the most votes will qualify to be seated on the AC.
Ray Whitaker
Michael Anthony
Alan S Jeeves
The election will continue until Saturday, March 6th (5 pm Eastern Time).

Nominations for the Administrative Council will begin soon. Any member may nominate another member or themself to run for the AC. Any nominee must accept a nomination in order to be on the AC election ballot. Please be aware of the site news block as that is where the final notice for nominations will be posted.

There is an upcoming announcement for the nominations of the new AC (Administrative Council). The AC reviews recommendations from the Cabinet and works with the Trustees to accomplish their vision for Neopoet. Once nominations are underway then any member may nominate a member including themselves and all nominees need to accept the nomination in order to be placed on the final ballot for all members to vote upon. Please take part in the AC election voting and/or running for a seat on the AC.
Keep an eye on the site news.


Message from The Administrative Council

The current (26th.) Neopoet AC has been privileged to be able to work alongside the Trustees and Cabinet of a wonderful poetry workshop site providing a great learning opportunity for all poets, established or new.

We can assure members that, during our administration, we have worked hard to help make Neopoet a strong, safe, and fun place to be and we shall strive to create a better environment for all.


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