Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

The Neopoet

Welcome to the first half of the yearly contest. Please read all six-monthly contest winners. Decide

which poem you believe to be best. Click on the contest link at the bottom and select the poem you

decide on from the list you will be shown.

The poem with the most votes will advance to the final decision for this year and will go toe to toe with

the winner of the second round of six poems in January 2023 for selection of the yearly contest winner.

The winner of the yearly contest wins a one-year premium account and a 100-dollar VISA gift card.

Mid-Winter Cheer!

Yea it is mid-winter or a little past that but most of us may be in a continuing hibernation mode.

We do have news and hope to cheer you into the Springtime which is due on Sunday, March 20.

You may not have noticed but the contest winners are now listed in the winner’s profiles.  Checkout these two profiles as samples for real.


To wrap up 2021 and bring in 2022 at Neopoet the administration sends this Neopoet special edition newsletter to all members and hopes all have had happy holidays and will have a prosperous new year in 2022.  This past year was the year for contests and challenges at Neopoet.  The Cabinet initiated the yearly contest.  Also, the Neopoem of the week is managed and a new item in the news block.

Thanks to all for a more successful year and helping to move Neopoet into the future.


Mid- Month Bullet
Two weeks to go before the Neopoet Of The Year is revealed according to your selection.
Read through the poetry listed below then follow the survey link and vote for your favorite.
Vote yes for your favorite poem and submit the survey. It is that simple.

Yearly Poetry Contest

As a member of the Neopoet family the time has come to select the Neopoet of the year.  Please read the following twelve poems and click on the survey at the bottom of this newsletter.  You will be asked to vote for the winning poem.  You can learn more about the twelve poets by clicking on their profile links.  The winner of this contest will be announced in the January newsletter, and in the Neopoet website news.  The prize will be a one-hundred-dollar online visa card and one year of premium membership.

Neopoet Bulletin November 2021

This bulletin is focused on contests at Neopoet.

In December of this year the first yearly Neopoet Competition will conclude.

Winning poetry from the December 2020 competition to the current November competition will be voted on in the December 2021 Newsletter and the best of the best poem will be chosen by the general membership. The voting will be done by the Neopoet polling feature. Every Neopoet member will have the opportunity

This bulletin is focused on contests at Neopoet.

In December of this year the first yearly Neopoet Competition will conclude.

Winning poetry from the December 2020 competition to the current November competition will be voted on in the December 2021 Newsletter and the best of the best poem will be chosen by the general membership. The voting will be done by the Neopoet polling feature. Every Neopoet member who still maintains their original email that their Neopoet account was opened with will have a vote.

Win a 25 dollar Amazon Gift Card!
Play Scattergories:
Saturday September 4, 8:00 PM USA Eastern Time
Keep your eye out for an invitation.

The last year has been challenging for all of us, and we were very sad to lose a number of our members to the pandemic. We are a volunteer run community. We appreciate the support of our new Administrative Council, the Cabinet, and our many volunteers. Thanks to their enthusiasm and ideas, we have a bright future.

Poetry, Contests, Challenges, Workshop and more.. is all about poetry and working to improve the craft that you have become so fond of. Any and all members help in this process by displaying their poetry and understanding the comments on them as opinion and taking what means to them and adding those opinions as tools into their toolboxes.
Likewise all members are relied upon to study poetry presented and form opinions for their fellow poets.
That is the Neopoet Workshop as a website.


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