Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

Dear Members,

The AEC have reviewed the existing Community Guidelines and made some necessary amendments and alterations. These have now been updated and can be found in the usual location within the Help menu.

One significant change I would like to bring to your attention is the increase in AEC term from 3 months to 6 months. This will be in place for the upcoming elections due in the next two weeks.

As you know, we have amended the role of an Advocate to include the Guide role (formally Greeters) and also Moderators of the Wading Pool.

Before we can fully launch the role, we needed a Director of Advocates to push and drive the programme forward and to have an assistant, a Co-Director.

I am thrilled to announce that with immediate effect Chrys (china blue) will be our Director of Advocates and the Co-Director will be Cat (candlewitch)

They have a lot of work ahead of them, but I know they will be up for the challenge.

I hope you will all join me in congratulating both Chrys & Cat.


The AEC:
Hooded Stranger (Dan)
Chrys (although she didn't get to vote on this one!!)

Weather Notice

Update: we migrated back to our Brooklyn server as of September 5, 2011

Our server is located at a facility in Brooklyn that is under a mandatory evacuation order. The base level of the building is approximately 8-12 feet above sea level. The National Weather Service (as of 12:04 pm Saturday) is currently forecasting a storm surge of approximately 3-6 feet at high tide (11 am Sunday).

We do not expect physical damage to the server: the facility is on the 8th floor, and the building itself is extremely sturdy. However, as many of us know, the facility has had power disruptions during inclement weather in the past. Additionally, the suspension of public transit in the New York metro area may affect the facility's staffing.
Because of this, we intend to preemptively migrate, if possible (personal constraints may get in the way depending on the situation here), to a temporary server at a facility in Dallas, Texas. [This migration is now complete].
We've used resources in our general fund to pay for this migration and to temporarily lease this second server. We would, however, appreciate your support. Please consider taking out a premium membership or making a donation.

Update & Volunteers Needed

Dear Members,

Neopoet is your community. As members of this community we are asking for you to volunteer your skills and time so we can move Neopoet forward.

To keep you posted with what the AEC are doing behind the scenes and to keep you all up-to-date, we are working on the following:

Advocates/Greeters/Wading Pool Moderators programme
Chat Programme
AEC Chat sessions
Neopoet Book Committee
AEC Guidelines - review and update

To help with these we need volunteers for the following positions:

Advocates Director & Advocate Team Leader:

We need to find a Director and a Team Leader to drive forward the new Advocates programme.

We have rolled the Greeters (Guide) programme and moderating the new joiner workshop pool (Wading Pool) into one Advocate role.

The role has three main functions:
1. Mentoring & serving as a guide for new members:
We would like to mentor and guide new members so we help new members make the most of Neopoet, understand our community and culture, and, in the long term, contribute and give back.

A guide is the first contact a member will have with Neopoet. A guide welcomes the new member and makes them feel comfortable about joining a site they know nothing about.

We need guides to contact all new members and offer them help and assistance with navigating Neopoet. They will need to be shown how the stream works and how you post a poem and comment. Guides will help explain the community & AEC guidelines are, how our governing structure works, and, in time, direct them to a New Memberworkshop, where they can interact with other new poets as well as mixing with experienced members who will moderate the pool.

2. Moderating the Wading Pool:
This is a new workshop being created for brand new members to Neopoet. This new workshop will have a trial run before we publicly re-launch Neopoet. Barbara (Barbra Writes) will be heading up this workshop. It will be mostly used for new members to get used to Neopoet, they can post and comment in the workshop and be among other new poets as well as having more experienced poets to help answer any questions and to help guide them before they take on the Stream. We are looking for two or three Advocates to work with Barbara.

3. Assisting Members:
Helping new and older members with any issues they have and point them in the right direction. This can involve explaining in detail how Neopoet works, where to find useful information, how to post and comment and make suggestions. Detailed instructions on how the Stream works and how to join a Workshop, how to send a PM and other useful ideas on how to navigate Neopoet.

An Advocate will be the liaison between the members and the AEC and theTrustees.


Chat Room Moderators:

The Chat team have been working hard to implement the chat room and are ready for volunteers to moderate chat rooms. As soon as the moderators are in place and the schedule done, they will be ready to rock n' roll. Please apply for this position to the Chat Committee or Paul (Director of Chat)

AEC Chat Sessions - Once the Chat is up and running I will post a schedule of times and dates when the AEC will be available to discuss Neopoet.


Neopoet Book:

We are looking for a team of individuals to join the committee to help create the Neopoet book.


For further details about these roles, please contact any of the AEC or if a Chat enquiry to the Chat team.

We look forward to working with you,


Hooded Stranger (Dan) Chair
China Blue (Chrys)
Scribbler (Stan)
Geezer (Guy)
Lou (Lou)

Dear Members

Dear Members,

I was honoured to have been nominated as a candidate for the recent AEC elections, I was pleased to have been successful and blown away that I also got the chair.

I have been chair for a few days now and haven’t yet been able to sit in it. The recently elected AEC has had to hit the ground running, with no time to ease into the role gently. My team have 3 months to deliver a successful term and help Neopoet move forward and evolve for the benefit of its members.

The responsibility is huge but a real exciting challenge for each one of us.

Election Results

We would like to cordially welcome the new members of the 14th Advocate Election Committee:

Hooded Stranger, AEC Chair

And, in alphabetical order:

China Blue

*Note: Lou joins in the place of Eduardo Cruz, who was unable to join the AEC due to an outside professional commitment

Please join us in congratulating the new AEC and wishing them the best for the upcoming term.

AEC Election: Announcement


This is our final ballot for the upcoming AEC election. Ballot order was randomized by
The election will start on Tuesday, June 28 (though we may open the ballot Monday night for logistical reasons)

Barbara Writes
China Blue
Eduardo Cruz
Hooded Stranger

You may view the voting guide (and candidates may update their responses) here:

1) Meet The AEC
2) Workshops
3) Guide program relaunch
4) Chat News
5) Members Forum: Newsletter Ideas
6) Poetry Corner: Free Verse Analysis
Iconic Poet
Featured Poet
7) World Of Poetry: News
New Books
8) Fun Corner: Jokes N’ Quotes


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.