Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

Description: Create a Free Form poem 20 lines or there about. Employ what poetic device you may see as proper. Enter one poem only.

Objectives: Become familiar or caught up on use of poetic devices in Free Form poetry.
For those that need a reference on literary devices please feel free to visit the link below
The winner receives a three-month premium membership and a 25 dollar gift certificate for
Best of luck to all contestants

August 2021 Poetry Contest Winner

Congratulations to Lamington
For winning the August 2021 Neopoet Poetry Contest.
Please view the winning poem and leave a comment

Sydney Xmas Limerick

At Christmas in Sydney it's hot
(wintry and snowy it's not)
So on the nude beach
Remember to reach
And smother some cream on your bot.

A Message About Profiles

We would like to encourage our members to write a small biography in the about me section of their profile. Therefore people can know whose poetry they are reading and also lead to friendships which would lead to a closer family of poets. You can edit your profile and your about me biography at any time.

Thank you for your time,
Neopoet Member Services

August 2021 Poetry Contest Announcement!

This month we ask our members to write a limerick about a famous place
example: city, town or country

For an example of a limerick please visit:

Best of luck to all our contestants!

Neopoet Random Challenge 6 wants to challenge you to write poetry about this month's random topic that is provided below

Objectives: If you so accept this challenge, all you have to do is choose one or more of the following topics and write one or more poems based on your choice or choices. Please make sure your poem or poems are between 12 to 32 lines

This month's Topics:

1)Write 10 lines, each starting with the words, I can.
2)Write a poem about your worst nightmare
3)Write a poem with the phrase I wish
4)Write an acrostic with the base line as FAMILY

July 2021 Poetry Contest Winner!

Congratulations to Geezer
For winning the July 2021 Neopoet poetry Contest.
Please view the winning poem at

Neopoet Random Challenge 5

This month we are asking our members to use four topics in one poem. Are you up for the challenge? Show us your creativity and have fun at the same time
All the following topics must be used in one poem.
1) I'm going to be an hour late
2) I didn't make it
3) Are We there yet?
4) Lost in Cyber space

To submit your poem please visit:

July 2021 Poetry Contest Announcement

This month we ask our members to write about a foreign country or culture that you find beautiful
or intriguing. Use any rhyme-scheme, structured or sporadic and It must be within 12-32 lines and written in four line stanzas.

To submit your poem please visit:

June 2021 Poetry Contest Winner

Congratulations to Arrow
For winning the June 2021 Neopoet poetry Contest.
Please view the winning poem at


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.