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Mother's Day Image Prompt Contest Winner!

This winning poem of the Mother’s Day image prompt contest is

Mum... You and I by Rula

Let us congratulate Rula on another contest win.

This week the Neopoem is

 Loving You by  hippiemoon

Let us congratulate hippiemoon on another contest win.

Neopoet Weekly 05/12/24 to 05/18/24 Winner!

This week the Neopoem is


Mosquitos Suck!
  By William Lynn


Congratulations to William Lynn for racking up another contest win!

Neopoet Weekly 05/05/24 to 05/11/24 Winner!

This week the Neopoem is

Ways of loving by  Terumi Sakurai

Let us congratulate Terumi Sakurai on their first win as a neopoet member.

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The stream (all workshops)

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The night came upon me
no nurturing light
no warmth in its darkness
stars veiled in black embrace
meaningless to its own existence.
mirrored reflection....

sweet little flock

they crowd to mock
the crying drama
the soul shock

they want to rock
the stone of words
shatter hearts
and stifle souls

the life that leaves
pressed out with

sticks and stones
break more then

MOMENTARY CONFUSION (final assignment rhyme crimes)

I wearily rise to my feet
as setting sun and tree line meet
For I've been hunting winter's meat
in this instance a futile feat
alternate 1st stanza
I wearily rise to my feet
then suddenly I take a pause
as bobcat stalks on silent paws
for him an ordinary feat

Crackling joints shout their pain
complaining of abuse and age
cackling turkeys rise to their roost
remaining barely out of sight


Midnight Flight (eddy styx)

Midnight Flight

through passageways
with turnings hidden
candle's flame flickers
to breeze unbidden
in near distance
as a low wind rushes
gasping of the glimmer
my running footsteps
speed headlong
into a darkness
deeper than the blackest night
consumed by the terror of my flight
evil presence behind
driving me with persistence
so great my failing resistance
falters guttering out
without a god to beg granting grace
I am lost to this malicious intent

The Ghost Train

I didn't want to let him go. After all, he was only five.
‘Come on Mum,’ says Senior Seven, ‘I'll guard him with my life.’
I studied them standing tall and straight. They looked so big and grown.
I felt a strong nostalgic wave. Where had my little ones gone?

Emotional Eruptions

every time i think 
we are cool
you say the meanest things
you make my cry out
in classic blues
of a busted heart

you must know and time
my change of attitude
when you are nice to me
with a drop of nastiness
to make me aware
of your long standing
disguise rsentment
so well in you peace offerings

oh you are so clever
waiting for me to complain 
about things you know i hate
while pretending to be unaware
of things i find annoying


Sitting in my study,
smiling peacefully in my chair,
to the rapping of the neighbors son, downstairs
Smiling cuz his rapping took me to a special place.
A place where I am young, like him,
and had to be misplaced.

Misplaced because my rocking,
made my parents feel encaged.
They'd run me out the house,
but in the driveway I would rave.

Singing loudly metal jams,
my hands in fists of rage
Banging my head, screaming, rocking,
Having my own way

A LONGING : Italian/ English


Mi viene mo’ ‘na malIiconia
'na voglia forte e profonda
Come un Incanto spietato
di fantasmi che s’aggirano
attorno a me.
e mi porta ad un altro sogno.

Voglio tornare a casa.
vedere un solo momento
con tutti i cuori che
battevono uno
e che no battono di piu’


I have a longing sharp and deep
a haunting unforgiving and clear
that bleeds my “soul”
and brings me to another dreaming.

Of You, I Feel the Warm.

You returned most unwittingly
baring your soul and your arm,
while I saw clouds, you tried on shrouds
never meaning any harm;

I think of you, I feel the warm;

I think of you and feel the warm.


Ships always pass, but the neglected mass
never knows to question, "why?"

I really wish I knew, what am I to do?
When together if we could fly;
we'd touch the ceiling of the sky!


Boxed in...

Boxed in…

The glass ceiling cracked but I didn’t win a thing,
our productions late with all aspects that flattered.
The tea lady walks behind those b’s that sting,
direction was only given to those who mattered.

There I stood in a room full of middles,
jagged corners a noun but only just.
At the table a guardian angel fiddles,
with his crotch, zip covered in dust.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.