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Crass self-serving post

Hi everybody. I finally got around to submitting some of my scribbling to a publisher for inclusion in 2 books of various poets. To my shock there are going to be three of my poems in one book and six in another. I have ya'll to thank for this due to a lot of what I've learned here as well as everybody's support . I thank you all.
One of the books is "The Joy of Rhyming Poetry" which is coming out soon and the other is "The Elegance of Rhyming Poetry" which will come out this summer.

I hope this announcement will show that we all have it within ourselves to accomplish things beyond what we think possible. BTW one of the poems is IN JANUARY which is in the complete poems shop even as we speak. Both books will be available on Amazon and both are going to be hardbacks. So keep that ink flowing keep on learning........................stan


You do really deserve to be a published poet. I wish you all the best and looking forward to your publications.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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When I first started writing I never thought about getting anything published. I wrote to share things and for the pure enjoyment of it. I Still do so. Perhaps somebody will now read something of mine somewhere other than on the internet and enjoy doing so..............stan

author comment


You make me consider publishing also!
Proud of you Scribbler for going beyond
the virtual to the physical immortality of
the net to the physical realm....Nothing
beats retro treasures like books...........

internet is great....but books are for saving
flowers...bus letters...napkin kisses money...

and for the enjoyment of reading great poetry!

in all the excitement i almost forgot that!

thank you!

I already have an E-book but I still can't bring myself to consider it a "real" book lol. Real books don't require an e-reader and recharging. They never accumulate that musty old book smell and then there's the texture of worn pages. If you can publish something I highly recommend doing so. Now if I can only put together an entire real book of my scribbles.....but that's a way off yet..............stan

author comment

Hearty congratulations for your poems getting selected for publication in books. It would give opportunity to readers who are not Members on Neopoet the pleasure of reading some elegant poems crafted with your skill...thanks for sharing this good news..feel proud for you...regards..

raj (sublime_ocean)

I hope this shows that almost anybody who is willing to work on their skills can get the chance of having themselves published. ...............stan

author comment

Congrats Stan
Was it for no reason
that we wanted you as our man?
I am perfume worth as a poet
whose scent simply does evaporate
A Lady author I gave an idea to,
selected mine through and through,
later she wanted to compile another book
asked for two
Somewhere across the American continent they stand out in ink
Indelible ….One is
‘’You Just Can’t’’
In a book ‘’Say it aint't so...’’ By Terry Lyle
Someday when you come across it, do read and remember me, it was from Loved
but the name was different, you will see in any American Library
I realized it long ago ….If one seeks a Nobel …Internet will ones name blow, only the written word will show….Else no one will ever know who was that Anon guy.. some where now hovering in the widest sky.
So as you have the genes ingrained, a published poet you ought to become and for that publish one even self publish it!
My Good wishes


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