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September contest winner

Please join me in congratulating gregwa8 on winning the sept. contest with his concise poem "Silent Lovers"

Silent Lovers (sept contest)
Submitted by gregwa8 on Sun, 2018-09-16 23:38
I lost you
because my voice

And now that I
have found
my voice

you’re not around
to hear me
and sing
and sing and sing.

Oh what a
what a tragic,
common thing.


Congratulations to the Winner

raj (sublime_ocean)


is there going to be a contest for October? If so, best of luck to participants

raj (sublime_ocean)

without taking away anything from the winning entry I would like to draw attention that even though the final revision was made on 01.10.2018 which was much beyond the closing date of the contest which was 27.09.2018, the poem was declared as a winning entry on 03.10.2018. In my opinion, in all fairness while announcing a contest it should also be mentioned till what date revisions would be considered to be eligible. I repeat that this is not to take away anything from the winner and this should be considered as a suggestion only...

raj (sublime_ocean)

perhaps my suggestion was not found to be worthy and therefore overlooked....never mind..i t was just a suggestion...

raj (sublime_ocean)

single judge based
bring disharmony
You may like to discontinue
doesn't appear as consensual
but only ONE poets views

In any case
I will post but not as a contestant
if I am able to
aging is scoring me
now nearing 80

I believe a single judge system is right ..having too many opinions could lead to more is good too that the name of the judge is kept confidential to avoid even a suspicion of bias...

raj (sublime_ocean)

is a different one each month and finding even that single judge can be difficult at times. And of course a single judge will have his/her own preferences so there are times that the winner might not be the best poem but is instead the poem the judge likes best. However with rotating judge each month over time all types poetry will be preferred. Besides can you imagine the mess of trying to have 3-5 judges agree each month who should win. All this aside if a person is entering mainly to win accolades that person is missing out on the main intent of contests which is To Have Fun! ...........stan

author comment

seek awards, we write for fun, but I thought(((I might be wrong though)))) that Jonathan Moore 'Pulgist'(hope I'm getting his name right) has assigned an Amazon voucher for the winners, however, I have not received any.
Still, I am writing for the pleasure of writing.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

I will be the judge for ever then I can have a monthly income of $25 lol Us oldens must look after ourselves EH!.
Yours, Ian ..

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Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

let all enjoy equally
good decision
friendliest one

Well done I have accepted second place again I am so tired of the special prizes of trips for second place.
I shall try harder next time, the sun is lovely here in the West Indies, just another four days to go.. lol xx

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

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