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Twisted- A Tale Of Experience, Strength, And Hope

I'd had this huge argument with my son the other day. He is my adult child, now, 21. He had gotten so insanely angry with me. He was red as a tomato and screaming at me "SHUT UP"! All the while smashing one of my dining room chairs off the ceiling onto the floor. There's still a big hole in the ceiling and a knick in the linoleum.

As I am not accustomed to such loss of control I immediately jumped out of my chair and yelled "HEY"! Meanwhile thinking, "my goodness this boy is really make me whup his grown arse".

Luckily for him, I was sane, and walked out of the house and immediately laid course for the half-way house I had graduated from years ago.

Now I said that I was "sane", but I use that word lightly, because what hapeened next, would have even you beg to differ.

I got to the house and knocked on the door. As I waited for someone to come to the door I began thinking to myself, Tommi,
"Your wearing summer pajamas, it's 20 degrees out and your newly bleached hair is sticking straight up, You look like a madwoman"!

A counseloor then came to the door and she gave me this...LOOK. I can only imagine what she was thinking. I said to her in a panicky fashion, " I need to come in to talk to someone, my son is at home having some kind of psychotic break, I'm freezing and I need to calm down"! She repliedI, "I can't let you in here we have rules about that". I just waved my hands and left and headed back toward home.

Now..I'm half dressed and freezing, walking down the steet in the middle of the city looking like freezemeister. Dare I say... "homicidal"? After all I was thinking the entire way home; " I'll kill'em, I'll Kill'em, I'll Kill'em, I'll kill'em, yeah, yeah kill'em", repetitively all the way to the front porch. As I approached the front door I took a deep breath, uncertain then of my sons coming fate.

When I opened the door, there was my son hunched over on the ground desperately trying to piece together the dining room chair. He looked up at me with his tear-filled eyes and said, "I'm sorry I lost control Mom, I quit hanging out with my friends and drinking as much and I guess i'm just moody. I got offered a good job and I can make the money I need for my studio and I can do all my recording here at home and not have to pay booth fees".

Needless to say, I didn't have to whup or kill my son. I knelt down next to him and kissed him on the top of his head, hugged him and said, "that's ok baby". As I held him there with my chin resting atop his head I thought to myself, "your a twisted woman Tommi Cordial".

Tommi Cordial


I can understand both your frustration and your forgiveness. It is very probable that his quitting drinking is to blame for the outburst. You are a good mother, in my opinion.

always, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

Again Cat i thank you. You so seem to get me. As for mothering, as you can see it isn't easy but I am and have been a single-mother for 22 years now and i wouldn't change a thing. I can get chairs anytime but my kids are a true blessing.

Tommi Cordial

Dawn breaks over marble head...

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