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Face Of An Emergency

I've always been calm in the face of an emergency...
yesterday, I almost lost Steven to an early death of blood
loss. fortunately he calmly listened to my concerns, acting
upon them almost imediately, because he knows through
experience, I am not an alarmist. I don't faint at the
sight of a lot of blood. and I have never become hysterical,
(not since my mother and sister's tried to get me to sign
commitment papers on my father. then I was thirteen, so I
figure it was pardonable.)

It started out as a medical procedure, the removal of a cyst.
underneath it was an infected abscess(the size of a baseball)
it wasn't bleeding when they sent him home. but when I changed
the bandage it started bleeding profusely from the incision which
was about an inch and a half long and packed with puss. I tried to
staunch the bleeding, with gauze pads. but it was too much blood.
the pads were quickly soaked. the blood ran from the wound on his
back, down into his waistband.I sent him to the Emergency Room,
which is about seven minutes away.

the first thing they did was put enough bandages on it to control
the bleeding. then the surgeon took him to the OR where they had
better equipment and lighting. she found a blood vessel deep in the
muscle, that was bleeding. she sutured the vessel and repacked it.
sending him home, with a bandage that wasn't going to leak. he goes
back in today to have the wound rechecked and the bandage changed. this
morning, he is a bit light-headed from the blood loss. and slightly
rumpled of spirit. that did not stop him from logging into work this
early morning. I asked him to take a sick day, but he wouldn't do so.
(damned electrical engineer!) he says he is tougher than I think.


Cat! That's serious situation dear.
I've never been to such. It's I who usually faint (because of some heart problems) and others have to do the job :)
It's great that you did the right thing at the right time, few people would control their nerves at such hard times.
Take care of your Steve. He must be a good man to get such a wonderful wise wife.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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I am the lucky one...he bakes, cooks, cleans and reads to me before bed. his only faults are: he snores, and is stubborn as a mule! I love him dearly. he takes good care of me and I, him. thanks for reading and commenting.

*hugs, Cat

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You were able to get him prompt medical treatment...wishing him a speedy recovery.


his recovering slowly. I change his packing and bandage everyday. I see improvement about every three days now. thank you for reading and inquiring as to his situation. he says "Hi"
When I was 12 my mother was in a car accident my older sister by 6 and 1/2 years fell apart and started sobbing and blubbering. she had been taken into emergency at hospital they tested her for a concussion and it was so. she refused to stay in the hospital (financial difficulties)
when she came home in a taxi, the driver helped me get her into the house. I got her to bed with a waste basket in reach. while Kathryn got in the way and cried. I asked demon-mom what she needed and did as she instructed with pulling down shades and turning off lights and closing the drapes and peeling Kathryn off the walls and sending her downstairs to her duplex and locking the door. come to think of it...Kathryn was pretty amusing, in a twisted way, lol.

*big hugs, Cat

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author comment

very brave... I too am
pulled myself from WWII illnesses
83+++ plus
so say
to Steve
he will be ok
I believe
tc keep him warm
away from cold

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