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Your words have earned me, not my day today but a life time as you

Your words have earned me, not my day today but a life time as you
Yours is a life time gift today,
I am the initiator of the brotherhood of mankind ,
A world citizen of my own kind
Yes of some mind.
Love knows no barriers
Of land and seas
Of religion or caste
Of the wideness apart
All are the gifts of divine
Some know it many don't,
But love is that which can cement alone,
Two human souls irrespective of caste
Colour or creed or sex,
Love is universal as you know,
It plays about in many hearts,
If I may say so

But now I say many don't really know,
From where to where love does flow
And as I revert to my usual wont,

I now say all over again

I 'm just a passer by,
Like you
Anyway I accept it as time passes me away
Its upto you to accept it I pray,
For I shall pass by away
Anyway, any day after today


any day after today is beyond our reach
to live today to its fullest is our peach
full and ripe, its flesh and juice enjoy
to live otherwise is but a useless ploy

'write on! let these words free.'



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