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I am in re-hab center. fell and broke hip. miss being home. THERAPY intense and painful.



I knew there must be something wrong since you didn't submit anything last week.
Be strong and come back soon. Sometimes new experiences are inevitable every now and then.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram


Big hug. But not too hard.

~A & B

Here's hoping you recover soon and kick the doctor's butt! LOL!!

i have been indirectly conveying my thoughts to you
go to ur kith and kin
keep house still under control
but you didn't listen

get well soon I pray
for a great friend ...scholar and guide
i have in you


Best wishes for a speedy recovery

Keep Writing,

"Quoth said the Raven, NEVERMORE"

When my knee gets to giving me fits I think of others who have it worse and it makes it more bearable. My youngest son has had both hips replaced Twice in the past 3 years. Perhaps thinking of that will help you bear your ordeal. Regardless I know you are in pain and hope you heal as quickly as possible...........stan

had a few of them ..rib lately....not pleasant...but I do enjoy the stitchs of pain
to bring me to focus now and then....Sorry to Hear!

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