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A Brazilian Portuguese poe you ca pronounce

.Namorados amam
.Até não amam mais
nada que esiste
esiste para sempre
e o presente pôe-se pasado
E os que dizem “eternidade”
Falam só “saudade”

nahmoor-AD-oosh uh-mã [squeeze nostrils when you see this sign ~] auh AS IN “UH, I SEE]
Ah-tey nõw uh-mã m-eye-sh
Nuhduh ezeesh-tchee p-uh-ruh s~empree
Oo pray-z~ntchee p~oy-see puh-sah-doo
ee oozh kee dzeez~ey-m ey-ternee-dad -gee
Fal~a soh sa-oo-dad-gee

Lovers love
Until they love no more.
Nothing exists to last
soon present is past
and those who speak “eternity”
only mean “longing” for a forever

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