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franny50's blog

No More Tears Have Fallen From My Eyes

No more tears have fallen from my eyes
I look to Heaven and The Starry skies
To comfort and guide a spirit broken
Destiny takes charge:God has spoken
Bewildered and blessed,now I am free
Sadness fades as spirit lives in me.
Giving our all,expecting the best
of all lifes pleasures,not excepting less
Trusting life's tides will carry us along
To a better place and uplifting song
Reaping the benefits of a life well done
Enjoying the fruits of victories won

Of Winter Born

Of winter born,a pale child
Restless like the rolling wave
Surviving,barely,in the wild
She calls to nature,to be saved
Wolves are restless,hearing cries
Of one so little,as new as snow
On a tiny crevice,here she lies
Above a hill,creatures below
No human parents to embrace her
And shield her from the wind and cold
They lay buried underneath her tears
A newborn they no longer hold.
And suddenly her cries are heeded
As wolves encircle her fragile frame
Providing warmth to her as needed

As The Night Descends

As the night draws the curtain close
And all the earth lays down it’s head
The moon and shadows strike a pose
As our little ones are tucked in bed
Ethereal beings take to flight
As heavens’ curtain slowly falls
They pass unseen through out the night
To undertake their sacred calls
To guard frail humans in their sleep
Bringing hope to weary souls
From house to house,they quickly leap
To carry out heavens’goals

The Fire Part 2-The Aftermath

In my previous journal entry,I wrote about the fire that took my neighbors life and how I wasn't able to save her.Despite my best efforts,the fire spread and I was forced to leave the apartment.My neighbor died from smoke inhalation.For the first several weeks,I was still pretty much in shock.I accompanied the family to the funeral parlor to finalize arrangements and also went with them to the city morgue,where they were told that because of the fire my neighbor wasn't "viewable".We were also told that there would have to be a closed casket.I cried that night,remembering

The Day Of The Fire

January 7th,2011 was probably one of the saddest days of my life.On that day I faced what was probably the most difficult crisis of my life.I thought prior events had prepared me for what I was about to go through,but I was wrong.

A Patient Time

A Patient Time

A time for waiting,a hibernation
Before we follow through on dreams
Careful planning,with determination
Putting away halfed baked schemes
No day or night is ever wasted
Patience builds slowly day by day
The fruit of forbearance is soon tasted
Sweet as honey where we lay
Suddenly we are engaged in life
Our souls’desire reaches out
And wraps its lasso around the moment
Discarding all our useless doubts

Grief Has No Hold

Grief Has No Hold

I will not keep you behind an iron gate
But will unlock my soul to accept the beauty
Of the dawn and ascending road
Invisible as the path may be
I will feel my way through
With head held high and shoulders straight
For there is more light than shadow
Hope is more prevalent than fear
I will remember more songs than weeping
And the joy that comes after a long battle

Reigning In The Shadows

Reigning In The Shadows

Sometimes doubts and fears arise
As the shadows of life grow longer
Pity and fear,the light does despise
For the light makes souls stronger
We flounder in the shadows path
Lost in our own dark night
For the darkness later shows it's wrath
Clear within our sight
But the light soon reigns in the dark
And brings us faith,and hope
The dawning light provides the spark
To erase the shadows and help us cope

The Eternal Artist

The Eternal Artist(For My Brother Patrick)

Time no longer holds you in its’ hands
You are free from the burdens of an ordinary man
Ethereal beings guide you to the artists’ den
All of heaven and earth is your canvas now
Beckoning you to to capture clouds and angels wings
To observe and record the changing scene
Capturing birds in flight soaring through a breeze
Vibrant colors spill from the brush in your hand
At last you have shed the confinements of a mortal man

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