Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

Unfinished Poetry


I suspect you are all like me in one respect. You have a number of poems which are well begun then left unfinished for lack of figuring out where the poem should go. Anybody interested in a near future workshop to help deal with these unfinished poems?

Well as the ones of mine that are unfinished get erased from this old memory, I will join you in having a go at sorting some unfinished for others..
Good Idea and I expect Stan to run (Walk) the workshop lol..
Yours as always, Ian.

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

I don'y want to waste time formulating a shop that few folks are interested in

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I am.
I more often write from the end backward. Lol.
But it is an interesting challenge.


A lot of times my muse strikes as a single line. I then have to decide if it's a first or last line lol

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Then you need a first line. Unless the ring trick is applied. Lol.


My muse many a time gets me amused when i can't shift it to next gear. Luckily it so far hasn't shifted to reverse

raj (sublime_ocean)

Many times I start to write
Under the spell that it will turn out well
Suddenly there's no ending in sight
Everything just goes to

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in this shop idea?

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It takes more than 3 people to make a workshop and I Know there are others out here who have uncompleted poems

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Oh dear God. I have this hump on my back that I've been wrestling with for years.
Its not a poem as such, but rather song lyrics in the style of "Ian Dury and the block heads"
if there is relief from said hump to be had anywhere, take pity and point the way, I fear I may develop camel foot.


Better to have a camel foot than camel toe lol. I reckon I need to get a syllabus together for a workshop that might get that hump removed March...........stan

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Who says Cameltoes ain't good. Variety is the spice of life

raj (sublime_ocean)

Raj do you really want to see a camel toe on Obediah? lol

author comment's a matter of perception which way one looks at a camel toe

raj (sublime_ocean)

I am interseted as a new member

It appears there is enough interest to proceed with getting a syllabus together. I anticipate it starting a bout March first and running about 4-5 weeks. Keep an eye on this thread for official announcement and welcome to Neopoet......stan

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"anticipate it stagnating "? I guess you meant starting

raj (sublime_ocean)

Stupid auto correct....Appreciate the spot

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Stupid auto correct....Appreciate the spot

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a unfinshed poetry workshop would be very helpful. I myself often leave some poems unended simply because i cant think of a suitable ending

Keep an eye peeled on this thread for official announcement

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I have two themes I've touched on in dribs and drabs-
'Symptoms of Testosterone', I wrote part 2 before part 1, do you remember it? It outraged every American here and
'Lies for Children'.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

Seems to be enough interest to proceed. Keep alert for blog announcing beginning of shop and dig out an unfinished poem lol

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Still wanting to sign up? If so sound off

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I'm in, please remember to send me the syllabus before posting the workshop.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

Thought I'd already gotten approval. I Know I've gone over the shop specs with you. BTW, you are in as soon as I transfer to shop .

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The start date will have to be in early April.
We need a list of things needed that unfinished poems need.
Theme and format should be a good start ???
Take care await your Workshop,
Yours in..

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

Even if you arrive a bit late you are welcome. We'll start discussion on Why some poems run out of gas next week end.

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That due to looming surgery deadline and slow participation in a shop meant to be intense and of short duration that I don't have enough time to give this shop the time it deserves. I am thus regretfully closing it. i hope to revisit this subject in a future shop and I appreciate all who signed up for it.......stan

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All I can say is get well soon dear friend and coe back full of renewed are a valued element of Neopoet...I can say that without any keep us informed with an update...

take best well

raj (sublime_ocean)

The actual surgery is 23rd of April. But with all I have to do in preparation of both surgery and subsequent months of immobility I've run out of time to complete this shop. I appreciate your concern......stan

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Forums don't get so much attention

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

As we have 7 poets already talking here can we just carry on with your workshop.
As the poets put their poems on stream they can be paired up and then at the end of the workshop many days from now we can all have a comment on the revised poem.
I will assist as much as possible and carry on while you are away.
You just up and get better, we need more of those walks among the silver birches and the boulder ridges, we have come to know through your writes,
Yours as always Ian..
PS:- The following poets have agreed to take part, so shall we just get on with it and wait your return ?????
scribbler - IRiz - weirdelf - raj - Sparrow - pointless_writer - Obadiah Grey -

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

May we do it?

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

Carry on. Let's continue the discussion here as to the reasons a poem might be begun then left unfinished. Ya'll have ideas why this might happen? PS now this is what I call REALLY participant driven lol. I'd suggest a few more day's discussion then begin posting unfinished poems one every other day in order in which participants signed up. Post poems on stream with (unfinished poetry) beside title.
Ian, if you don't mind why don't you assign the two members who are to complete each poem? Have them post their completed versions beneath each uncompleted poem on stream in the comments section. This way the uncompleted poem and both alternate completed versions can be viewed at one place.
As each completed version is posted then it can be commented upon and suggestions given.
At the end of the shop then each person who entered their incomplete poem will then use ideas given to complete their own poem. This author completed poem will then be posted on stream with (completed version) next to title.
PS I'll be around about one more week then will be AWOL for a while. I'll now change shop duration to ending sometime in june.........stan

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Ian and I will carry on for Stan whilst he recuperates.

Head on over to and don't forget-

Very important:- When posting scroll down to 'Workshop' and select UNFINISHED WORK. Do not post poems on the thresd.

Cheers, all

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

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