Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

Allow me to reintroduce myself.


    My name is Wesley Snow and I have been a member of NeoPoet for two years during which it has been my privilege to twice serve on the Administrative Council. I am a workshop leader currently directing Storytelling in Verse and (most important of all from my perspective)…

    I am a mentor.

    Recently it has been my honor to accept the position of Director for the Mentor Program here at NeoPoet. Please do not think me facetious. Honored is how I feel and I believe the term is in all respects appropriate, for I have interacted with poets of such remarkable talent and character as to give one pause. To be asked to participate in this manner demonstrates a level of faith in me I don’t entirely deserve and before proceeding I would have my intentions known.

    This opportunity occurs at a time in my life when I am prepared to contribute with an enthusiasm unattainable for me as little as six months ago.

    I have many goals in mind for the Mentor Program, but my first is to do no harm. To use another platitude, I have no intention to repair something that is not broken. Despite my eagerness to create a higher profile for the program (at the least to better inform our new members of its existence), I will take no action that interferes with established mentor/protégé relationships.

    That said, I desire the Mentor Program to assume a more pervasive role in the daily activities at NeoPoet and toward that end, I would ask your help. Though I will be more specific in the coming weeks, for now I have more generalized requests to make of the body.

    First, who shall be the mentors? I have a growing list of individuals whose doorstep I will soon be at, hat in hand, asking for participation, but please don’t wait for me. If you know of someone suitable or if that “suitable someone” is you, bring the poet to my attention. If you are already a mentor, please drop me a note to reaffirm your desire to remain in the program.

    If you are a potential protégé, don’t let my lack of understanding in the present system stop you. For now my pool of information is low, but the water will rise.

Ask and the mentor will be found.

    Lastly, I ask for advice. If you have a suggestion as to how the program may be streamlined to make it more efficient, if you’ve a thought as to how I might “get word out” that there is a new sheriff and he’s hell bent for leather to make the Mentor Program more relevant than ever, please don’t be shy. The smallest suggestion repeated endlessly in my ear is germane to my goals.

    I want to thank Andrew and Paul for trusting me in this endeavor and most of all I thank Jess for his endless confidence in my ability to find my way in the darkest of nights.

    It is here that I should close with a pithy motto for my new tenure, but since I only have the following… perhaps one of those could be suggested as well.

    “All of us have something to offer to all of us.”


As a suggestion, I think we need to keep a direct and permanent link to this announcement at the
stream so that it would be easy for the new comers as well as the occasional participants to know about the program. I think Andrew can list it as a link among those active workshops.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

I would want to rework the essay and take out most of the "personal" aspects in it. It would serve better as an "open letter" from the Mentor Program Director and Staff.
Are you ready for an assignment (not a protege just yet, I'm not far enough along in figuring out where everything goes), but if made a list of criteria concerning just such an "open letter", could you do the leg work and PM Andrew about where we might be allowed to post it so it stays put?
Also, along these lines, I'm sending you a copy of a message I just sent to Beau. I sent a copy to Stan as well who is looking like he'll be backing us up on this also.
Let me know if you have the time to carry on a conversation with Andrew (maybe Paul and the Elf too) and also what you think of my message to Beau.

"I thought from the start that the program needed a "clearinghouse" where all things "mentor" come together as you described. I rather assumed there would already be such a place and I have been jokingly referring to it as "my office", but the only thing I can locate is a mentor page for me specifically. It lists my proteges past and present with a record of every conversation I had with any of them. Nowhere have I found a place where I could find information concerning other mentors (in case "I" wanted one) and certainly nothing about currently active proteges with other mentors.
Some of this information would need to be an "eyes only" set up as not everyone will want it known they are working with someone, but I feel a need, a responsibility to "supervise" any and all relationships exchanging ideas on site. If a pair want to operate through their personal emails that takes it out of my hands. I have no responsibility to see to it the relationship is civil or productive and if they communicate privately... it's none of my business anyway.
Beau, you seem to have a pretty good idea of how the mechanics here at NeoPoet work. Could I ask you to figure out what is presently in place concerning the program? Before I start lording it over everyone making changes I would like to know what is and what isn't. With that information I can make informed decisions about what works and should stay as is, what could use a bit of tweaking to conform to my admittedly ambitious goals for the program and what is cumbersome, ugly or just invasive and needs to go.
My level of software savviness is scarcely grade school, so hunting down places like that is difficult for me at best. If you could help me learn WHAT IS, I would appreciate it immensely.
Thank you Beau"

I don't know about you, but I'm getting kind of excited at the possibilities here.

W. H. Snow

A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds. Percy Bysshe Shelley

Learn how, teach others.
The NeoPoet Mentor Program

author comment

I agree with what you've said to Beau re expecting having a specific place where things would be sorted out clearly for all (the participants as well as the mentors). I can just imagine this to be something like the stream main page or the community's . It can be given a special name that indicates what's going on there.This should not be something difficult for someone as qualified as our Andrew.

As for me, I am very much ready for anything and everything that would give this program a boost and make it a success. just name the assignment and I will do my best to do what is required from me In Sha'a Allah.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

Whenever you are ready with the "opening letter" please let me know so that I'll address Andrew or whoever is in charge.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

If it's not already there, the existence of the mentoring program and a link to it should be on the same page that pops up when one becomes a new member. Also it could be on the page which a casual web surfer comes upon when they first encounter neo ........................stan

I would very much like us to be part of the "opening package" that a web surfer sees when discovering us. As far as I can tell (and I've sort of looked), there are no sites out there that offer, up front, workshops to advance one's poetry and the possibility of mentoring with someone... or even... (shiver) becoming a mentor themselves.

W. H. Snow

A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds. Percy Bysshe Shelley

Learn how, teach others.
The NeoPoet Mentor Program

author comment

Is that the same man that writes epic's,
he is complex and I am sure he was on the AE at one time.
Also saw him someplace else.
Glad that we have him back again though.
Oh! does this mean I need to complete "The Great Mason Cata",
Mind you I have edited a lot of it, now it is drifting into the old pages again, I shall attack it again this weekend.
If this is the same man things will sort themselves out,
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

I am both excited and suffering a little trepidation about taking on this project. Not that I feel I can't accomplish what it requires, but because I have desires to make the program more demanding than ever before. For its director and staff. I see wildly ambitious goals I wish to set for the program. Many of them will never see fruition, but that doesn't mean they should not be considered and perhaps even implemented.
Which brings my mind to one of the "approaches", "attitudes" (I don't have the right word) that is bouncing around in my head. And that is the word...
I don't want to be a director that makes a list of mentors, offers them to potential proteges and then monitors to make sure no one's feelings get hurt. I would like very much to create an active "staff" that runs the program themselves, offering aid to one another to increase their effectiveness as teachers, generating an ongoing "idea factory" that continual improves the experience for everyone involved. My most outrageous dream (and I try to keep these things under an umbrella of reality) is for "word" to get out into the online poetry community that there is a "place" where the whole website is devoted to teaching each other how to increase their art.
I'm trying to stay calm.
Deep breathing.

W. H. Snow

A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds. Percy Bysshe Shelley

Learn how, teach others.
The NeoPoet Mentor Program

author comment

It goes without saying that we will support you in any venture, not sure what format you should use but as availability goes one or more mentors per person could be useful..
Anyway kick it about a bit.
I noticed that when there was a joint workshop the flow of work increased.
As with the long epic poems that is open ended it would be an advantage to use one or more mentors per poem another thing to kick around.
Take care we will achieve "Much" a saying I believe from Robin of Loxley.
Yours Ian or Sileby..

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.