Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

I’m going to vscu hospital tomorrow

I will be admitted into the vscu hospital because of my head pain . They will drill another hole into my skull and see what is wrong.

For I’m sorry if my quality of poems have decreased it’s just of my memory and head pain it’s been hard to think. To me thinking is like trying to draw on a chalkboard without any chalk. I had an idea but then the pain will come in and i come back to it and it’s gone .
Writing to me is like making your whole world with words . And my mind is slowly going getting tighter and tighter . Before I go I want you all to know that I love you dearly. This place of neopoet is the one place where it’s community . I see as my friends, I try to make every word count but I’m sure in hindsight it means probably nothing. But to me it means everything because it’s what gives me hope and comfort in knowing that I have contributed to other peoples lives by lending my thoughts on everything through my poetry. My pain is starting to increase so I will have to stop writing for now . Take care from Edward nigma


Your poetry is a blessing. Thank you for sharing your lovely thoughts and feelings. Your journey is your reader's journey, so wonderfully composed and stated. You truly are the King of Alliteration! But mostly, you are the Prince of Poetry. Hope to read more from you soon.
Much love, and take good care, my dear amazing friend,

We love You :)

Come back soon and be well!


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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