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Michael Levy - Ode to Afroditi


the lyre looks easiest to play when you have good coordination, which I do not. it looks like something i should have tried when younger. the song is simple enough. interesting to watch him play. thank you for posting this.

*hugs, Cat

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Over the Covid period I’ve written a cycle of 165 poems in honour of Sappho the poetess who lived some 26 centuries ago I plan to build it to a volume of 500 this music makes me feel closer to her glad the music touches your creative mind and heart love John xxx

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Hope all is well not heard from you in a while xxx

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I will e-mail you...

*much love, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

All my Sappho/Psapfo poems are there to read on All Poetry I’d love for you to gaze on some

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I will do so this next few days.

xxx Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

Thanks my dearest friend xxx

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Thanks my dearest friend xxx

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