Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

The Neopoet

Autumn Newsletter

The yearend is closing in on Neopoet.  This year was a year of growth for us.  From contests to our collaborative workshop to the initiation of our Neopoet Around The Globe Anthology and it’s cover poem contest.

The midway yearly contest shown Words.unwritten to have written the creative masterpiece and move to the face off January 2023 against the winner of the second half of the contest.  When you see the voting form link in January vote for your favorite creation. 

Read Words.unwritten winning poem here:


More about contests here:

(the more you enter the better chances of winning more)


The cover poem contest winner for the anthology will have their creation on the first (cover) page.

The link to the contest is here:


The workshops are back with the opening of the eight part collaborative series.  To see a sample of what the workshop produces look here:

It’s great practice for writing out of the box.

About workshops here:


Remember to explore premium features for a great navigation experience and other advantages.  Check it out here:



(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.