Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

China Blue's blog

Open Chat

hey ya'll come on in kick your shoes off and relax in my next chat room
Friday 16th September 8-10 pm Eastern
Hope to see you there

Hi Neo Poet Members

Our chat room is open
Come on in between 8-10pm Eastern for an open chat session TONIGHT!

open chat means we talk about everything and anything you would like

Of course I would like to (if you haven't already) become familiar with the chat room guidelines

simply put , respect each other,

So come join me(or watch me sit in the corner and listen to you folks)

Hello Neo Poet members

After massive problems with the internet and my surgery
I am now up and running

Please not I have changed the date for the emotions workshop to 04 Sept
any one that has already signed up will remain so ,unless I am otherwise notified
I invite all who wish to participate to PM me China Blue(Chrys)
and yes you may join more than one workshop at a time if you wish to do so
Looking forward to seeing you all on 04 Sept

Train Is Leaving

Hello Neo members. Come join my Olympic Pool this month
If nothing else it will prove to be a lot of fun. I am still enrolling participants.
Train Leave On Monday 08August. Will you be on board?

Olympic Pool Workshop

Hello Neo members.

I would like to announce that the Olympic Pool is now enrolling participants
we will begin
20JUNE 2011 and run for 14days 04JULY
I realize this runs into the July4th weekend for those stateside, but I will keep the pool open for others


The outline for the workshop and details can be found by clicking the drop down menu for find a workshop
The workshop is on Cliches, their uses(or overuse) and how to break the habit of using them


New Neo

Hello everyone,

It is great to be back. Very different format, but I guess Andrew is hard at working trying to make things as they were.

Good to be back to my second home

China Blue


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