Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


Perhaps it is just I. IMHO I feel if someone takes the time to read and offer a suggestion or comment
whether you agree with them or not it is common courtes to at least offer a thank you. How do the rest of you folks feel


We have had this for many years here.
It starts out OK after someone reminds us then sinks back to
"When I write it is Only ME,ME"
The balance is sorted gradually
A different system of Writing and commenting must be sorted,
Take care yours Ian ..

Words can build a nation

One owes a reader at minimum a thank you for having commented

now to not to be disappointed
I care not
expect not to

Now I pass by other valleys
where water trickles
silently and slowly

I see nothing but greenery
hence no more do I feel lonely

Pass your time with an open mind
care not who is watching you
or here reading you

Comments now
fly over my bloated mind
as I am aged
and that there lies within my cage
no crime

later I post a poem
it may may not rhyme
but are you poet divine
wanting me to lay supine
Comment at your will Sire
I shall still admire

(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.