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brittle light's blog

That Guy (proselytising?)

are you sure about that?
I mean, really sure
'cause, what if you're wrong
then what?
how can you be so sure anyway?
is that possible?
or are you just trying to jump start the faith thing
by pretending you know for sure
aren't they contradictory?
knowing, and faith?
if you know, why do you need faith
there is no surety in faith
other than something will happen
hopefully, good things
think happy thoughts
and more than likely
good things will happen
and like that!


I want that,
and that
and this one too
this is nice
I think I want it
yes, I definitely want it
and everything on this shelf
and the top one
that rack over there, all those
Oh! look
way up there
yeah! that's exactly what I've been looking for
quick, grab it before anyone else
let me take one last look around
I think that's it, for now
except for what we see on the way out you have any more money?

Precarious Nature Of Knowing

you think you know something
but you don't

where does this leave you
just a glitch, you might say
dissmiss it out of hand

or will this be the genesis
of a primal distrust
for the whole apparatus of "knowing"

scarry, huh?
thinking you know
but don't


the old man
Who lives upstairs,
Whose name I can't pronounce,
His ship came in
everyone's doing His bidding
downstairs, and up

sharing His good fortune
He doesn't draw the line
as long as we are generous with others

He advises,
and we listen
He must know something
He's been around
seemingly, forever
...and has lots of stuff

Recast Your Head

of all you know
how much is not so?
recalibrate your scales

verify your upbringing
they'll tell you anything
santa bunny the least of it

learn to unlearn
re-educate your adultness
recast your head


I love starring at the world with her
tasting the air
listening to the stars
her keen eyed observations
when talking of life

and then I look upon her
and I am lost
in another world
more beautiful than the first
with more foreverness in a simple glance
than all of history itself

but, of course, I will not confess this
I will not bore her with the obvious


silhouettes reveal
not enough

two people
in shadow
each filtering the other

in dark's forgetfulness

hiding what?
what can't be seen

a peripheral glow
the edginess

the image

the lighting
is not for

the objective

That Guy (getting real)

I am listening to some hard bop
the music is complex
therefore, interesting
but, ultimately tiresome
this is the nature of complexity
is this why we search
so diligently for the simple?
complexity is easy to hide in
disguising lack
found everywhere
common and familiar
and as rarity creates value,
we mine this complexity for
small kernels, grains;
a simple phrase
a melody to embrace.
in the same fashion
we seek from life's complexity
a smile, a giggle,
a hug

That Guy ( Buys a Gun)

look out world, I bought me a gun
I'm armed and dangerous
and licensed to defend my self
against any, and all, living assholes
I'm packin' and justifyin'
do not provoke me
'cause I'm feelin' mean and low
claiming vengence as mine,
...and hoping to god I don't shoot myself

That Guy ( squeamish 'bout love )

romanticism? in the rawest, general sense?
Yeah!, it's alright
but slurppy, sappy stuff,
personal psycho-extravagence,
at best, bores me
I know these romance flicks,
songs, and poems, whatever
they're not goin' away
I say let 'em be
not my cup of tea
that's all
its just, they sometimes creep me out
not the attitudes, emotions,
or the expession of 'em
it's in the public display
that's where the creepiness comes in
if you go romantic on us


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