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Tone In Poetry

what is tone in a poem?

tone in a poem is the attitude you feel when you read it.
it is the writer's attitude toward their subject or audience.
the tone in a poem that praises something is the approval of that person or thing.
the irony in a satire poem is the tone you feel when you read it.
in a poem aganist war the protest or moral indignation is what you feel.
tone can be playful, humorous, regretful,
it can be anything and can change as the poem goes along.
when you talk to people, your tone suggests your attitude about the people you are talking to, and the thing you are talking about.
that is what tone means in poetry too.
it can also mean the emotional weather of a poem.

Example of tone : humorous poetry

on a park bench near the glassy sea
an elderly lady sat knitting sweaters
when a ball of yarn rolled from her bag
into the glassy sea she chases after her yarn
dropping her half knitted sweater in the sand

the yarn was not to be hers anymore
it was washed away with the fishes
and swallowed up by an shark
waiting in the lurks to devour her
as she swims after her ball of yarn

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