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She Has Fairy Dust in Her Laughter

once upon a time a little girl name Lae Lae was born
she has been dancing singing and spining around like Cinderella since the age of one.

she has been winning pageant since she was three month old and barely two when she won Miss South Carolina Octoberfest Princess.

a happy talkative little sweetheart Lae Lae knows no enemy, partial to none and says what she feels whether good or bad.

like fairy dust her laughter spreads afar warming hearts of the depressed souls in her path.
a slither of moon light cut through dark lives when she smiles at them and her hearty waves as she passes those she meet, can break the ice from even the hardest of stone faces.

she has fairy dust in her laughter that sparkles
sunshine in her smiles that shines, and
moonlight in her eyes when darkness pursues the light.

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