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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Share with Me

The cookie I prefer to eat
Changes. Today's cherished treat
Becomes a has-been in a while.
A chocolate chip once made me smile.
Now allergies have changed my song.
Frankly, it just seems so wrong
Chocolate is in so many great ones.
Of course, if I ate them all I'd weigh tons.
Let's just say I like cookies. To
Share a cookie with a friend (or two)
Just makes my day. With milk or tea,
Let's all stop and share a cookie!

courtesy evil ferocious wraithlike grimace

Acrimonious scurrilous words
flew out the mouth
of vicious nasty shortish brute
leaving yours truly
as a key witness dumbfounded.

Outrageous spluttering claims
of stolen parcels
plus ransacked jewelry
totaling to the tune
of countless Benjamins
(hundred dollar bills)
viciously lobbed at dear wife of mine
as iterated in a previously written poem.


I never understood what it means to be free.
Don't get me wrong, I do desire this,
But I am afraid that I can't comprehend the meaning of it.
Think about it...
I feel in my heart the need for freedom.
I feel in my soul a vibration that doesn't want to be obstructed.
I feel in my mind that I deserve it.
But I don't know how to embody it
Because this actual word is a prison.
What do I do with my freedom? With my free time?
I play some games that I used to like as a child

L' Chaim! (To Life!)

My mind's a maze of melancholic madness.
My soul's a sack of sentimental sadness.
It's time I shed self pity's
sombre shell,
and stepped outside my solitary cell!

The springtime songs outside my door are ringing.
The songbirds swoop,
non-stop: their sound of singing.
I dare not squelch with sorrow's baleful breath
the celebrants of life that conquers death!


I'm the I's(eyes) in the sentence "I Am King..
I'm never blinded ,I can see.
The say heavy is the head that wears the crown
Well I'm prepared to frown
Like a silent geek.

I Am King ,I came with innovations
My rhymes and schemes are made in the old pages
I stay in the same location

You can come get me ,
Coz saying we gotta meet to beef is not healthy.
I'm full of ideas my ingredients could pop bellies

I Walk This World

I walk this world both night and day
Wanting to know what gives my stay.
Why can't my soul find the true rest
Unless by your hand she is blessed.

I look as my world cry in pain
And wonder what in life we gain.
Why do we do our brother wrong
Happily singing our own song.

I cannot rest my searching heart
Till I know what’s the major part,
Till I know that calmness within
Saying that I have denounced sin.

What I keep saying to those standing in front of me

The last thing you wanna do
Is waiting in a queue
With numbing feet,
Time reluctantly passes
Be wise , think about it
Do not hesitate

Whatever you're waiting for
It s not worth it
quit it
I know you shan't regret it.
I'll take the burden off
and wait in the queue
Instead of you

Self Murder

I see you trying to lure me to you.
I see you occupying my space whenever I’m alone.
I see you jump into my head when I put it on the pillow.
I feel your presence in the room when I can’t sleep at night.
I see you promising me nothing but peace and silence.
You made me think that you were my safe haven.
You gave me a test, I took it and I failed.
You gave me another one, I took it and failed.
I see you trying to show me what a great angel I could be.
Too bad I got no strength.
Too bad I’m afraid, I’m scared.

My Heart, My Heaven

With my eyes i can touch the universe
With my heart could i change the world
With my wisdom i can form an opinion
And with my hands could i sculpture a form.

With my family i can create a community
With my faith could the world change me
With my values i can judge impartially
And with my love ,can i be fairly judged

With my honour i can defend all goodness
With my observances can i find the truth
With mankind in perfect harmony
And with blessings to a greater god go i

Just can't say I'm sorry

I just cant say I'm sorry
and I don't know why?
And if I did, I wouldn't know how
too much has past
to bring it up now.
like a drunken sailor
I just want to shut down!
Sucking the life out of everyone,
I wear a perpetual frown.
Don't bother stopping by
or coming around
I'll only bring sadness
of that there is no doubt.
In the very beginning,
I felt a way out,
but time has had it's way
of turning me south.
My ears are witholden


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