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My Dinosaur Chewed This Poem

My dinosaur found this poem today,
And started biting the letters awa_;
He swallow_d many synonyms,
While I was eatin_ my M&Ms.
The beast kept chewin_ th_ words that rhym_,
Right as I was flippin_ throug_ his spine;
I wrot_, he chewed -
I searched, he spew_d.
Then fina_ly puttin_ my pencil dow_
I scold_d him, an_ he just frowne_.
Thoug_ he’s not a Tyrannosaurus -
He is a carnivor_us Thesaurus.
Down boy!

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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "My Dinosaur Chewed This Poem" employs a playful tone and a creative concept, using the metaphor of a dinosaur to represent a thesaurus that consumes words and synonyms. This approach is inventive and adds a unique twist to the poem.

However, the poem could benefit from a more consistent rhythm and meter. The varying line lengths and syllable counts create a somewhat disjointed reading experience. A more consistent rhythm could enhance the flow and readability of the poem.

The use of the underscore "_" to represent the dinosaur eating the letters is a clever device, but it might confuse some readers. It could be beneficial to make it more explicit earlier in the poem that this is what's happening.

The final line, "Down boy!" is a humorous and fitting conclusion, but it might be more effective if it were integrated into the rhythm of the poem.

The poem's theme of writing and language is engaging, and the metaphor of the dinosaur is a creative way to explore this. However, the connection between the dinosaur and the thesaurus could be made clearer. The line "He is a carnivorous Thesaurus" is a clever twist, but it comes quite late in the poem. Introducing this idea earlier could help to tie the poem together more effectively.

Overall, the poem demonstrates a creative approach to the theme of language and writing, but could benefit from a more consistent rhythm and clearer use of metaphor.

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A poetic submission from my children's book just for the fun of it. Enjoy. :-)

author comment

What a fun. That's so clever. I'm sure children will like it and will learn so many things through your dinosaur poem.
Very creative
Have the book been published yet?
Thank you for sharing


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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and I'm sure that the children will love it too! Lighthearted, pieces are easy for children to remember, and ask for again and again. I used to tell my niece and nephews crazy bedtime stories, built on the old standards, but sometimes, I used to get kicked out, because we got laughing and being too loud. Sister said that they were supposed to be settling down, not getting all worked up. I couldn't help myself; their laughter and smiles were too infectious. I think that your dinosaur poem and others, will be a great success.
~ Geez.

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Thank you my friend for your very kind words. Very glad you enjoyed this whimsical poem. Also…Thank you for sharing your story. I love it.

author comment

Thank you Rula. So glad you liked the poem. Yes - my children’s book of poetry is entitled Boogers Are Brain Food. It can be found on Amazon and also on the Lulu Publishing website. It has many illustrations in the book as well done by my artistic wife Patricia. :-)

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