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I love you daddy..

I was stained by your black heart,
And stabbed by your dagger like glare.
Torn by your deep nails.
And drained by your forever thursty feelings of anger,
You forced me to hide behind these gray lines,
And to have my sorrows appear,
Tears often occupied my face,
But that's the way you liked it, huh?
You've left me to drown in such worries,
You've endlessly came to me for sympathy,
Don't you even feel guilt?,
But you always come back for more while my wounds try to heal,
but such matters aside
I love you daddy.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Last few words: 
This is not a poem about me. Its more about a close friend.
Editing stage: 


One of the things that most people will shrink from, it is always the same in this day and age. OH! Poor child shouldn't something be done and that is it, never any positive action. It goes on mostly behind closed doors, I do hope that you can support your friend, and be a real friend, as this is a great need to those that suffer so.
Glad that you wrote of this and so well, we send our thoughts to you both, Yours Ian.T & friends

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

When you have been done harm the other person needs to be made accountable or legal/moral action taken against them,

Some African tribes say "it takes a tribe to raise a family", so true. American "family values" are a travesty, born of the industrial revolution when workers were made to be mobile and moved according to economic needs. America glorifies family values for political/economic ends. It is not a basic truth.

You have been indoctrinated and the poem fails because it uses the trite sentimentality that supports the lie of "family values"

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

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