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And so the Jury Convenes

In the matter of critique
in the mattering of my poems,
ladies and gentlemen of the jury,
I offer you in evidence
this tome.

I can obscure the point and stick
it where the sun don't shine, I can
wrap it up in the most pretty poetic
pontifications so you'll lose your mind
and you'll never know what
hit you and sent you tumbling from
the pedestal of your higher echelon
and never run afoul of your umbrage and
your law.

But hey, it's Friday and Saturday some other
somewhere on the other side of the globe.
The one thing
I know for sure neither one of us can do is sit on
both sides of the fence because it's all too clear
that sooner or later one of us has to stand.

Editing stage: 


I thought you were going away for a while. You only took 3 weeks off in June.
But then I also said I was coming back in force.
Ah well, no-one tells the truth all the time.
My dear, this poem has no value but to remind me that you are a force of nature and can not be ignored at the peril of my soul.
First stop 'Motes of Dust', I will work backwards.
Eternal love,

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

(((((((Jess))))))) I was concerned, and here you are.

Btw, you have a soul? How odd. How extremely odd.


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the jury is still out on that one.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

You have both showed a great care of maybe each other..
Can I have some lol.
It is a great day today as the Sun is shinning and the runner beans are growing longer so that my favourite food is ready.
Now to top it all you two are here in all your glory, But the poem stinks and I think that the Elf was too kind, but that in itself is Beautiful La La.
It's "SUNDAY" here today and the solar panels are buzzing.
Have a lovely day both of you, Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

The poem stinks? Would you care to elaborate Mr. La La?

You know Jess and I love everyone equally, however, we don't like some folks actions and reactions.


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My dear young lady it was sticking things where the sun don't shine that made it smell Lol,
I know you two though, so different yet get on well, it was just me and La La wanted someone to talk too lol.
Having a bad year and it started two years ago, but don't go telling anyone it is a secret..
Take care you two, and know we love you very much, and next time you two want to go away, book it in so that it's not at the same time..
Yours, As obnoxious as can be Ian.T XxXxX

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

We love you, there's nothing but love when we get rid of all that other stuff that is the agony of distance.


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