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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Ilusiones [Spanish-English]


No tengo más ilusiones
de grandes amores
ni golpear siquiera
otros corazones.
Soy hombre raro
apasionado y vulnerable.
mas son lobos y chacales
los que huelen
mi sangre
y en sus dientes tener
en esperanza de comer


Bliss (plus revision)

Bliss (original)

most of all, I miss our mingled laughter...

traveling the telephone lines,
burning away the many miles
of the abyss of distance between us,
your heart and mine.

your envisioned smile
took me to an elevated state of bliss...

Bliss (suggested changes)

most of all, I miss our shared laughter...
traveling the telephone lines,

banishing the many miles
of the abyss between,
your heart and mine.



by RW

parched beyond ability to speak
the dust, the crust, I must get to the peak
shared desert home with scorpions
aeons, sidewinders nudging me for warmth
I bit them for the wetness of the blood
did roaring distant sounds deceive my ears?
had madness claimed the final game of years?
I stirred at sunset, gray, spectral
to seek the noise and speak the joys
of the wellspring from which I'd run

Doom On My Own Terms

I want to wear bandoleros
to work
be a bandido
dancing a dangerous bolero
through a growling fanfare of gunsmoke

a desperado
living outside someone else's law
one step ahead
of my overly enculturated

own land my experience

own land my experience

if upon it you can stand
never own land
which you will control by remote
in any case such land is of no use
why land abuse?
so hold the land while you live
not too much of it
ere others want to kill
then when you are done with ,
the land should be sufficient
wherein you can be buried in it..
that's all your share,
then leave the unknown land
of this planet
you may upon times domain


Within this stone I see a shell,
a fossil from a distant age
when oceans covered this old hill,
another time, another page.

Dire wolves, camels, mastadons
roamed here ere humans arrived.
Traces of them still are found
although none of them survived.

There's a stone face painting near
left by long forgotten men
who disappeared in mists of time.
What was this place like back then?

Innocence Passing Through the Opening


a Mirror Image
you see it?


The woman in the mirror asks
who will my murderer be?
For an eternity
there is no answer,
and no one knows.

From the bottom of an empty well,
an echo,
"It is I
your story unfolding
without beginning, without end".

The scorpion sting of every thorn
cries out,
"I am,
do not forget me.
Why have you forgotten me?"

Sometimes you just have to break
every mirror that talks back.



Wax ruby lips
charlotte russe
on a stick
cracker jacks
don’t step on a crack

Jo-Cur for the hair
smelling green
castor oil
cure for all
second to an enema
if all else fails
school days throw up
in a pail

black veil
and black dress
tears of sequens
head hung low
mourning silence
broken hearts
childhood fears

A million years

Japanese Poetry


a barren tundra
far far away from it all
there is nothing here

unmovable ass
push tug this mule will not budge
kindly check its load

I will add more styles as I learn them


Expedition to Mars by Ian Thomson

One bright afternoon, in the middle of June,
We set off to reach the Red Planet.
There was Gobby and Cleg (and his dog with three legs)
Wee Spider and me - I'm called "Carrots".

Our ship we named "Horse", though it wasn't, of course,
It was just an old washing machine
That some idiot dumped, underneath a tree stump,
It took ages to get it all cleaned.



(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.